postgres=# grant select on test_policy to user1,user2,user3; GRANT 创建安全策略: CREATE POLICY policy1 ON test_policy FOR SELECT TO PUBLIC USING (usr = current_user); --可以设置为使用函数,比如CREATE POLICY policy2 on test_policy for select using(func()); 查看当前表的权限: postgres=# ...
firedb=# SELECT nspname FROM pg_namespace; Owner表示schemas 属于哪个用户,Access privileges 表示是否可以访问。 授权schema firedb=# grant USAGE on SCHEMA big_emergency_auth to fire; GRANT 设置set search_path,这里是搜索路径,如果搜索路径没有这个SCHEMA 我们也无法查看到 set search_path TO "$user",...
postgres=# GRANT SELECT ON test_table TO test_user1; GRANT postgres=# grant select (id),update (name) ON test_table TO test_user1; GRANT postgres=# \dp+ test_table *** QUERY *** SELECT n.nspname as "Schema", c.relname as "Name", CASE c.relkind WHEN 'r' THEN 'table' WHEN...
You are now connected to database"postgres"asuser"postgres". postgres=# revokeselectontabletestfromcustomer; REVOKE postgres=# grantselect(name,credit)ontest to customer; GRANT postgres=# \c postgres customer; You are now connected to database"postgres"asuser"customer". postgres=>select*fromtest...
ALTER ROLEhq=# CREATE DATABASE test1_user OWNER test1_user;#创建数据库 CREATE DATABASE create schema test1_user; #创建模式 hq=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE test1_user to test1_user; #赋予权限 GRANT CREATE TABLE test1_user111 ( ...
给用户关云长修改user表的权限 GRANTUPDATEONusersTOguanyunchang; 给所有用户查看权限 给所有用户查看users表的权限 GRANTSELECTONusersTOPUBLIC; 给用户所有权限 给所用户关云长user表所有权限 GRANTALLONusersTOguanyunchang; 6.2 回收用户表权限 REVOKEDELETEONusersFROMguanyunchang ;...
By default, users cannot access any objects in schemas they do not own. To allow that, the owner of the schema must grant the USAGE privilege on the schema. NSMD2SIT=# grant usage on schema SCOTT to prim_user; -- Now run the select statment:...
CREATE USER <user_name> PASSWORD 'your_password_here'; Now, provide this user with read-only access to relevant schemas and tables. Re-run this command for each schema you expect to replicate data from: GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA <schema_name> TO <user_name>;GRANT SELECT ON ALL TABLES IN ...
创建新用户 创建一个用户名为:zhangbiao [root@localhost ~]# adduser zhangbiao 为这个用户初始化密...
Create a user and schema with the same name The first component in the schema search_path is $user, by default One advantage of the setup in Postgres is that a user can create multiple schemas without creating separate users and grant permissions to others for creati...