例如,假设我们有两个所有者角色table_owner1和table_owner2。table_owner1发出ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES ...,而另一个没有默认权限。在这种情况下,发出的ALTER DEFAULT PRIVILEGES仅与table_owner1相关,并且仅在table_owner1创建新表时应用。即使table_owner2创建了一个新表,它也不会拥有由table_owner1定义的默认权...
3、修改整个schema所有表owner DO $$DECLAREr record; iint; v_schematext[]:='{public}'; v_new_ownervarchar:='yysg';BEGINFORrINSELECT'ALTER TABLE "'||table_schema||'"."'||table_name||'" OWNER TO'||v_new_owner||';'ASaFROMinformation_schema.tablesWHEREtable_schema=ANY(v_schema)UNIONA...
datname as table_catalog, pg_get_userbyid(relowner) as tableowner, nspname as table_schema, relname as table_name, -- cast(obj_description(relfilenode,'pg_class') as varchar) as table_comment , bb.table_comment from pg_class c left join pg_namespace pg_ns on pg_ns."oid" = c.r...
可以通过ALTER命令来修改对象的所有权: ALTER TABLE bobs_table OWNER TO alice; REASSIGN OWNED命令可以用来修改该角色下所有对象的所有权。因为该命令无法连接其他数据库的对象(但可以作用于跨数据库的对象,比如数据库和表空间),所以有必要在所有数据库下运行该命令。 当变更完角色下所有有用的对象的所有权时,可以...
* operations imply I/O, they just create or destroy a hashtable entry. * (But smgrclose() may release associated resources, such as OS-level file * descriptors.) * * An SMgrRelation may have an "owner", which is just a pointer to it from ...
在Postgres 的数据目录中,表文件的存储格式为base/<database oid>/<table relfilenode>。 在base 目录下,存储了不同 Database 的数据,例如在我的当前环境中,当前的数据库名为rose,其 oid 为 24582。 所以在 Postgres 数据目录的 base 目录下,就会有对应的 Database 目录,目录名称就是 Oid: ...
pg_table_is_visible --- t (1 row) 4. 系统表信息函数:名字 返回类型 描述 format_type(type_oid,typemod) text 获取一个数据类型的SQL名称 pg_get_viewdef(view_oid) text 为视图获取CREATE VIEW命令 pg_get_viewdef(view_oid,pretty_bool) text 为视图获取CREATE VIEW命令 pg_get_ruled...
CREATE TABLE public.pet_ ( species_ text NOT NULL, name_ text NOT NULL, date_of_birth_ text NOT NULL, uuid_ uuid NOT NULL DEFAULT uuid_generate_v1(), -- <=== CONSTRAINT pet_pkey_ PRIMARY KEY (uuid_) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); ALTER TABLE public.pet_ OWNER TO postgres; Query...
alter table expert_experts owner to postgres; create unique index expert_experts_id_uindex on expert_experts (id); 实体: [SugarTable("expert_experts")] public class ExpertEntity { [SugarColumn(IsJson = true)] public JObject avatar { get; set; } } 服务,关键代码: Dictionary<string, object...
-- First, let's get the OID of the 'public' namespace that our table lives in - you need -- to run this in the 'blogdb' database, otherwise you'll get the OID of the 'public' -- namespace for the database you're currently connected to. blogdb=# select to_regnamespace('pub...