select EXTRACT(ISOYEAR FROM fromDate_) as year_, --取得周所在的年份 EXTRACT(WEEK FROM fromDate_) as week_, --取得周所在的年份 to_char(fromDate_ ,‘YYYYMMDD‘) as fromDate_, --周的起始日期 to_char(toDate_ ,‘YYYYMMDD‘) as toDate_ --周的结束日期 from ( select (date (curDate)...
console.log("前月一共有"+countOfMonth+"天"); //获取前月最后一天的时间戳,例如,7月31日是:1627747199000 var end = new Date(date.getFullYear(),(date.getMonth()-1),date.getDate(),"23","59","59"); var endOfMonth = end.setDate(countOfMonth); console.log("前月最后一天是:"+endOfMo...
/* show the beginning of the first day of the month */SELECTdate_trunc('month',current_date);/* show the beginning of the first day of the week */SELECTdate_trunc('week',current_date);/* show the beginning of the first day of the year */SELECTdate_trunc('year',current_date);/*...
= 0 THEN first_day + INTERVAL '1 day' ELSE first_day END AS week_start FROM first_day_of_month ), month_weeks AS ( SELECT generate_series(week_start, (week_start + INTERVAL '6 days'), INTERVAL '1 day') AS week_day FROM first_week_start ) SELECT week_start, week_end FROM ...
其中,start_date和end_date是日期范围的起始和结束日期,table_name是你想从中获取随机日期的表名。 使用日期函数和随机数函数:可以结合使用日期函数和随机数函数来生成随机日期。例如,可以使用generate_series()函数生成一个日期范围,然后使用order by random()语句将结果随机排序,最后使用limit 1获取随机日期。 使用日...
我的问题是startDate是endDate之前若干个月的变量,而我无法想出如何在区间中使用可变期间。 以下是我的代码: DECLARE endDate TIMESTAMP := (DATE_TRUNC('MONTH',$2) + INTERVAL '1 MONTH') - INTERVAL '1 DAY'; startDate TIMESTAMP := endDate - INTERVAL $3 'MONTH'; 我知道startDate这一行不...
UI: Instant view of configuration, not waiting for the end of retrieval (physical mode) - UI: Collapse/expand the right-side panel -,
例如,如果month_and_year模型中有Post列,并且您想为此设置默认值,则可以按如下方式编写: class Post < ApplicationRecord attribute :month_and_year, :date, default: -> { } end 以上将为您设置默认日期。见例子: Loading development environment (Rails 5.2.1) 2.5.1 :001 > post = Post....
for i in range((end - start).days + 1): d = start + timedelta(i) ymd = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') ym = d.strftime('%Y-%m') yq = '%d%s%d' % (d.year, 'q', ceil(d.month / 3)) day_of_year, week_of_year, yw = get_year_week(d) ...