# %(sqlSingleLine) 执行的真实SQL语句,已替换占位 不换行显示 #customLogMessageFormat=%(currentTime)|%(executionTime)|%(category)|connection%(connectionId)|%(sqlSingleLine) # date类型字段记录日志时使用的日期格式 默认dd-MMM-yy #databaseDialectDateFormat=dd-MMM-yy # boolean类型字段记录日志时使用的...
data_checksums,off,Shows whether data checksums are turned on for this cluster. DateStyle,ISO, MDY,Sets the display format for date and time values. db_user_namespace,off,Enables per-database user names. deadlock_timeout,1s,Sets the time to wait on a lock before checking for deadlock. ...
(Code example in the 12.1 release notes.)\n PG16: DEFAULT in COPY: By using the new DEFAULT option in PG16 with COPY FROM, you can control in which rows you want to insert the default value of a column (vs. inserting a defined, non-default value.) And as of...
按时间分组统计数据 select to_char(a.local_date_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') local_date_time,sum(a.amount) amount from 表名 where 条件 and to_char(a.local_date_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') between '2023-02-14' and '2023-02-15' GROUP BY to_char(a.local_date_time,'yyyy-MM-dd') ORDER BY to_c...
final StringTIME_FORMAT="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSz";final SimpleDateFormat sdf=newSimpleDate...
id | date_col ---+--- 1 | 2001-02-03 2 | 2003-01-02 MyTest=> INSERT INTO testtable(id,time_col) VALUES(3, TIME'10:20:00'); --插入时间。 INSERT 0 1 MyTest=> SELECT id,time_col FROM testtable WHERE time_col IS NOT NULL; id | time_col ---+--- 3 | 10:20:00 ...
ALTER TABLE user_tbl ALTER COLUMN signup_date SET NOT NULL; 设置字段默认值(注意字符串使用单引号) ALTER TABLE user_tbl ALTER COLUMN email SET DEFAULT 'example@example.com'; 去除字段默认值 ALTER TABLE user_tbl ALTER email DROP DEFAULT; ...
TABLESPACE pg_default ;--Create Stories tableCREATETABLEIFNOTEXISTSstories ( id bigserialNOTNULL, create_datetimestampwithouttimezoneNOTNULL, num_viewsbigintNOTNULL, title textNOTNULL, body textNOTNULL, fulltext tsvector, user_idbigint,PRIMARYKEY (id),CONSTRAINTuser_id_fkFOREIGNKEY (user_id)REFER...
SET PGPATH=D:\PostgreSQL\12\pg_dump SET SVPATH=F:\backup\autobackup\ SET PRJDB=uacp_ipss SET DBUSR=postgres...SET DBROLE=postgres FOR /F "TOKENS=1,2,3 DELIMS=/ " %%i IN ('DATE /T') DO SET d=%%i-%%j-%%k FOR /F "...如果忽略这些,则使用标准输出。 -F format --format=form...