String username = new String(rsa.decrypt(formUser.getUsername(), KeyType.PrivateKey)); String password = new String(rsa.decrypt(formUser.getPassword(), KeyType.PrivateKey));"Userinfo decrypted: {}, {}", username, password); // 核验用户名密码 UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authe...
CREATEUSERnew_userWITHPASSWORD'initial_password'; 步骤2: 设置密码过期策略 PostgreSQL允许你设置密码的有效期,这可以用来迫使用户在首次登录后更改密码。你可以在创建用户时设置密码过期时间,或者之后修改用户的属性。 代码语言:javascript 复制 ALTERROLEnew_userVALIDUNTIL'tomorrow'; ...
"password" varchar (64) not null, "create_time" timestamp not null default current_timestamp, "update_time" timestamp not null default current_timestamp, constraint t_user_pk primary key (id) ); comment on column "t_user"."id" is '主键'; comment on column "t_user"."username" is ...
-U, --username=USERNAME user name to connect as (not the one to create) -w, --no-password never prompt for password -W, --password force password prompt Report bugs to <>. [postgres@web1 ~]$ [postgres@web1 ~]$ [postgres@web1 ~]$ /data/pgsql/bin/crea...
创建两个用户:create user user1 password '123456';create user user2 password '123456'; #step1:自签CA证书 #生成根证书私钥(pem文件) openssl genrsa -out ca.key 2048 #生成根证书签发申请文件(csr文件) openssl req -new -key ca.key -out ca.csr -subj "/C=CN/ST=myprovince/L=mycity/O=my...
Superusers: Create a secret to hold your credentials by running the following command. Enter your choice of password and username in the respective fields. cat <<EOF | oc apply -n ${PROJECT_CPD_INST_OPERANDS} -f - apiVersion: v1 data: password: <password> username: <username> kin...
postgres=# create user lhh with login password 'm2i3sc@newnet'; ^ postgres=# grant all privileges on database nntlds to lhh; 我们还可以导入数据到指定的数据库 [postgres@kvm-openAPI ~]$ psql -U postgres -W -d nntlds -f /data/public.sql ...
命令:update mysql.user set password=password(“123”) where user=“root”; 三、 SQL 语句 1 、增 语法:create database 数据库名称; 创建新数据库 命令:create database yunjisuan; 创建表 语法:create table 表名 (x1 int(3)); 命令:create table student( id int(4) primary key auto_increment,...
Postgresql和MySQL还是有很多不同的。就比如授权来说。当下有个业务场景,我们的报表数据库需要根据业务划分不同的db,然后创建对应的user。 如果是MySQL, 可以这样做 代码语言:javascript mysql>create database mydb;mysql>create user a_user identified by'ThePassword'->;QueryOK,0rowsaffected(0.04sec)mysql>grant...
'password' = 'PostgresPassword', 'database-name' = 'flink', 'schema-name' = 'test', 'table-name' = 'cdc_order' ); create table printSink( order_id string, order_channel string, order_time string, pay_amount double, real_pay double, pay_time string, user_id string, user_name str...