postgres=# create table test(n int) partition by range(n); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create table test_1 partition of test for values from (MINVALUE) to (10); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create table test_2 partition of test for values from (10) to (100); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create ...
postgres=# create table test_2 partition of test for values from (10) to (100); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create table test_3 partition of test for values from (100) to (1000); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create table test_4 partition of test for values from (1000) to (10000); CREATE T...
CREATE TABLE partitioned_table ( CHECK (condition), LIKE parent_table INCLUDING ALL ) INHERITS (parent_table); 创建触发器:创建一个触发器,当向父表插入数据时,它将自动将数据复制到正确的子表中。 代码语言:txt 复制 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insert_into_child_table() RETURNS TRIGGER AS $$ BEGIN...
示例代码: CREATE TABLE partitioned_table (LIKE table_name INCLUDING CONSTRAINTS) PARTITION BY RANGE (partition_key); CREATE TABLE partition_1 PARTITION OF partitioned_table FOR VALUES FROM (min_value) TO (max_value); INSERT INTO partitioned_table SELECT * FROM source_table; ...
CREATE TABLE "GPO".count_perion_days_lottery_201912 ( CONSTRAINT count_perion_days_lottery_201912_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id), CONSTRAINT count_perion_days_lottery_201912_no_uq UNIQUE (account_id, create_time, lottery_id), CONSTRAINT count_perion_days_lottery_201912_create_time_check CHECK (create_...
The following creates the partitioned table in PostgreSQL or EDB Postgres Advanced Server using table inheritance: → WrapCopy --- Create the parent table--CREATETABLEemp(empnoNUMERIC(4)NOTNULLCONSTRAINTemp_pkPRIMARYKEY,enameVARCHAR(10),jobVARCHAR(9),mgrNUMERIC(4),hiredateDATE,salNUMERIC(7,2),...
PARTITIONOFparent_localVALUESFROM1000TO2000SERVER postgres_svr1 OPTIONS table_name'child_local1');CREATEFOREIGNTABLEparent_remote2 PARTITIONOFparent_localFORVALUESFROM2000TO3000SERVER postgres_svr2 OPTIONS table_name'child_local2'); 看看计划树,现在你可以在计划树中看到两个异步的外部扫描计划。
In this article, we create a partitioned table in Postgres and demonstrate how the optimizer can use it to improve query performance. Three Partitioning Methods Postgres provides three built-in partitioning methods: Range Partitioning: Partition a table by a range of values. This is commonly used...
In Development:JSON_TABLE In Development:SQL/JSON In Development:jsonpath syntax extensions Partitioning In Development:Merging statistics from partition children instead of re-sampling everything In Development:CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY on partitioned table ...
My question is - if we declaratively create a partitioned table like so: CREATE TABLE measurement ( city_id int not null, logdate date not null, peaktemp int, unitsales int ) PARTITION BY peaktemp; and then let's say we insert into measurement, but with a peaktemp that is not cov...