postgres=# create table test(n int) partition by range(n); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create table test_1 partition of test for values from (MINVALUE) to (10); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create table test_2 partition of test for values from (10) to (100); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create ...
postgres=# create table test_2 partition of test for values from (10) to (100); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create table test_3 partition of test for values from (100) to (1000); CREATE TABLE postgres=# create table test_4 partition of test for values from (1000) to (10000); CREATE T...
使用ALTER TABLE语句来添加新列。例如,假设你有一个名为"my_partitioned_table"的分区表,你想要添加一个名为"new_column"的新列,数据类型为整数: 这将在分区表的每个分区中添加新列。 如果你的分区表已经有了一些分区,你需要在每个分区中也添加新列。可以使用以下命令来逐个修改每个分区: 如果你的分区表已经有...
CONSTRAINT count_perion_days_lottery_201912_no_uq UNIQUE (account_id, create_time, lottery_id), CONSTRAINT count_perion_days_lottery_201912_create_time_check CHECK (create_time >= '2019-12-01 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone AND create_time <= '2019-12-31 23:59:59.999999'::time...
其中,table_name是要插入数据的表名,column_name是要插入数据的列名,value是要插入的时间间隔值。 例如,如果要在名为"example_table"的表中插入一个时间间隔为1天的数据,可以使用以下语句: 代码语言:sql 复制 INSERTINTOexample_table(interval_column)VALUES(interval'1 day'); ...
PARTITIONOFparent_localVALUESFROM1000TO2000SERVER postgres_svr1 OPTIONS table_name'child_local1');CREATEFOREIGNTABLEparent_remote2 PARTITIONOFparent_localFORVALUESFROM2000TO3000SERVER postgres_svr2 OPTIONS table_name'child_local2'); 看看计划树,现在你可以在计划树中看到两个异步的外部扫描计划。
CREATE TABLE publications( -- the autoincremented position of the message to respect the order position BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, -- this may allow you to partitionpublications, e.g. per tenant publication_id VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, -- unique message id, which can be used for deduplication or...
Create a hash partitioned table based on customer IDs CREATE TABLE orders ( id SERIAL, order_date DATE, customer_id INT, amount NUMERIC, -- Other columns ) PARTITION BY HASH (customer_id); Create individual partitions using hash partitioning ...
CREATE TABLE publications( -- the autoincremented position of the message to respect the order position BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, -- this may allow you to partition publications, e.g. per tenant publication_id VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL, -- unique message id, which can be used for deduplication or...
The following creates the partitioned table in PostgreSQL or EDB Postgres Advanced Server using table inheritance: → WrapCopy --- Create the parent table--CREATETABLEemp(empnoNUMERIC(4)NOTNULLCONSTRAINTemp_pkPRIMARYKEY,enameVARCHAR(10),jobVARCHAR(9),mgrNUMERIC(4),hiredateDATE,salNUMERIC(7,2),...