脚本文件语言是trusted的(select lanname,lanpltrusted from pg_language; 可以查看language),或者会报错:ERROR: permission deniedforlanguage c。当然可以修改pg_language.lanpltrusted为't'来更改语言的truste状态,但极其不建议,有安全风险。 备库插件 主库create extension插件,会同步在备库创建;如果某些插件需要额外...
我尝试在Django中运行单元测试,它创建了一个新的数据库。数据库有postgis扩展,当我定期创建数据库时,我使用"CREATE ExTENSIONpostgis“。DatabaseError: permission denied to create extension "postgis" HINT: Must be superuser to create this用户已经有了Create DB权限,我在Ubuntu12.04和Postgis< 浏览2提问于20...
create extension pgstattuple; SELECT * FROM pgstattuple('pg_catalog.pg_proc'); SELECT * FROM pgstatindex('pg_cast_oid_index'); SELECT * FROM pgstatginindex('test_gin_index'); -- pg_stat_statments -- 中文分词相关 CREATE EXTENSION zhparser; CREATE TEXT SEARCH CONFIGURATION testzhcfg (PARSER...
表示在server_remote下为角色postgres创建一个用户匹配信息,options里是用户名和密码。 1createusermappingforpostgresserverserver_remote options(user'postgres',password'yourpassword'); 回到顶部 4.在本地创建外部表 现在远程连接中需要连接的数据库为aasccs,需要用到的表为t_resource和t_permission,因此在完成上述创...
On Debian systems, the user account that creates extension packages lacks permission to add files to Postgres install. But testing extensions requires installing the extension where Postgres can find it. Moreover, extensions ideally build against a clean Postgres install; adding an extension in order...
create extension pgcrypto; ##查看插件信息 \dx 或者 select * from pg_available_extensions; ##遇到错误 ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/local/pgsql/share/extension/pgcrypto.control": No such file or directory ##解决办法 ...
CREATE EXTENSION pldbgapi; Debugging requires that you are a superuser. Please refer to the documentation for further information. This requires that you use a supported client, such as PgAdmin 4. The official documentation for the module can be accessed here. Contact If you find a bug, ple...
我真的困在下面这个问题上了。在GCloud SQL中,我有一个正在运行的postgres实例。该实例包含两个数据库。从一个数据库(source_db)中,我希望使用postgres_fdw扩展访问另一个数据库的(another_db)表(foreign_table)。我目前使用的菜谱是:1)CREATE EXTENSION postgres_fdw;
permission denied to create extension "uuid-ossp" This is the appearance of my database.yml. app_common: &app_common adapter: postgresql host: port: 5432 encoding: unicode pool: 5 username: root password: Solution 1: I've discovered that in order to proceed, I'll have to util...
Step 1: Create a dedicated read-only Postgres user These steps create a dedicated read-only user for replicating data. Alternatively, you can use an existing Postgres user in your database. The following commands will create a new user: CREATE USER <user_name> PASSWORD 'your_password_...