复制 # Specify the versionfordocker-compose.ymlversion:"3.8"# add the serivcesneeded(postgres,go)services:postgres:container_name:postgresimage:postgres:13-alpineenvironment:POSTGRES_USER:postgresPOSTGRES_PASSWORD:postgresPOSTGRES_DB:auth # Optional:Give a name to the database,otherwise # use thedefaul...
引用2个dll 4.code string strConn = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["npgsql"].Connection...
Hi guys! I try to create postgresql cluster, but in postgres-operatot logs I see this: could not connect to PostgreSQL database: dial tcp connect: connection refused" and therefore users and db's from my config weren't cr...
The connection to the server localhost:8080 was refused - did you specify the right host or port...
I have this issue when starting up the docker container, there is no pg_hba.conf file on my ubuntu system but maybe it is in the docker image? Then why is it giving this error for me? @Zaffer I'm not sure what you're asking but it doesn't seem like it's necessarily related ...
(Note: during each tests I have no pre-existing volume or any other container running) Edited : After having debugged to see what was the blocking step it is well the connection to the DB (And followings logs in postgres confirms : 2022-02-25 17:55:32.300 UTC [37] FATAL: canceling ...
You should find out the container name of your postgres container. Did you install Odoo and Postgres with docker-compose? Then you should find the container name you should use in this file: services: postgres: image: postgres:13 odoo: ...