1. 现在,你应该能够在Docker容器中成功运行"psql -U postgres"命令,而不再遇到"bash: psql -U postgres: command not found"的报错信息。 结论 本文介绍了当在Docker容器中运行"psql -U postgres"命令时,可能会遇到"bash: psql -U postgres: command not found"的报错信息。我们通过在Docker容器中安装PostgreSQL...
1、问题:“sh:psql command not found” 2、问题解析: 经过排查是因为postgres安装目录在/home/下,zabbix用户监控导致权限不足。 注意:不要试图用:chmod,chown修改权限,那是没用的,我已经测试过了 3、解决方法: 将postgres的安装目录放在
A simple question: Why 'pg_ctl: command not found...' ? From BeginnerC Date: 08 March 2022, 12:44:30 Hello everyone, When I start to learn the 'pg_ctl', the bash echo 'pg_ctl: command not found...' and then print 'Install package 'postgresql-server' to provide command 'pg_ct...
-bash: psql: command not found 如果报上面的错误说明你的你的程序的路径不在path变量中,用绝对路径调用下你的psql看看 postgres=# create user lhh with login password 'm2i3sc@newnet'; ^ postgres=# grant all privileges on database nntlds to lhh; 我们还可以导入数据到指定的数据库 [postgres@kvm-o...
Operation not permitted on the stat file In the topic you found the OP used a volume, not a “bind mount”. Using a volume means Docker can create the folder with the right permissions so postgres will have what it needs. This is why I thought it was n...
$ npm install pg / > pg@3.6.3 install /private/tmp/node_modules/pg > node-gyp rebuild || (exit 0) /bin/sh: pg_config: command not found gyp: Call to 'pg_config --libdir' returned exit status 127. while trying to load binding.gyp gyp ERR! configure error gyp ERR! stack Error...
When we run this, we see, "psql: command not found" We can however, run the Python command line. So why not go into the folder where our manage.py file is stored and then run the functions in question? How do we run class methods from the regular command line? Create an instance ...
IoT FND OVA upgrade will NOT upgrade the RHEL OS version. After upgrading the OVA, it is recommended to upgrade the OS as well. Step 8 Upgrade base OS from RHEL 7.5 to 7.9. Step 10 Upgrade the upgrade-ova-4.9. x.rpm using the following command. ...
错误详情: Looking in indexes: https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple Collecting mysqlclient ...
Be careful with quotation marks here. Because Postgres infers column types, you do not need to wrap your interpolated parameters in quotes like'${name}'. This will cause an error because the tagged template replaces${name}with$1in the query string, leaving Postgres to do the interpolation. ...