这将返回表名为table_name的所有者信息,您可以将relowner的值修改为另一个数据库角色的 OID,从而修改其所有者。 3. 使用脚本进行批量修改 如果您需要批量修改对象的所有者,可以编写一个脚本来自动化这个过程。下面是一个 Python 脚本的示例: import psycopg2 conn = psycopg2.connect(database="your_database", ...
You are now connected to database "test" as user "postgres". 1. 2. 切换使用领一个用户连接终端:同时输出了你现在正在使用的数据库是哪个,一般为 \c - 用户名,切换数据库没有 - ,直接跟数据库名称,字母c大胆猜测是change的缩写。 test=# \c - zsk You are now connected to database "test" as...
The owner of my schema - public is called 'eyal', and the owner of the tabled inside the schema, called 'postgres'. I am trying to change my table owner (when im logged to user: 'eyal') to user: 'eyal' but i get the error - "must be owner of the table...
我们需要进入$PGDATA的路径(/opt/postgres/pgdata),然后执行initdb,运行结果如下: [postgres@localhost pgdata]$ initdb The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres". This user must also own the server process. The database cluster will be initialized with locale "e...
在Postgres 的数据目录中,表文件的存储格式为base/<database oid>/<table relfilenode>。 在base 目录下,存储了不同 Database 的数据,例如在我的当前环境中,当前的数据库名为rose,其 oid 为 24582。 img 所以在 Postgres 数据目录的 base 目录下,就会有对应的 Database 目录,目录名称就是 Oid: ...
用户postgres存在(CREATE USER postgres;),数据库检测器存在CREATE DATABASE detector WITH OWNER=postgres;)。我跑得很成功 masi@pc212:~$ sudo -u postgres psql detector -c "DROP TABLE measurements;"DROP TABLE masi@pc212:~$ sudo -u post 浏览6提问于2015-07-14得票数 0 回答已采纳...
And nobody cannot change owner of the path. But, inside of the folder you can do everything you want. It is the main idea of the solution.mikygit commented Nov 23, 2017 • edited ... not sure in the end if you are saying that mountPath should be /xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx if I ...
#pgxcOwner=$USER#owner of the Postgres-XC databaseo cluster. Here, we use this#both as linus user and database user. This must be#the super user of each coordinator and datanode.pgxcUser=$pgxcOwner#OS user of Postgres-XC ownertmpDir=/tmp#temporary dir used in XC serverslocalTmpDir=$...
#unix_socket_directories = '/tmp' # comma-separated list of directories # (change requires restart)#设置Unix域套接字的所属组#unix_socket_group = '' # (change requires restart)#设置 Unix 域套接字的访问权限。默认是所有人都可以连接,建议值0700:除了OWNER和超级用户外都不可以访问#unix_socket_...