官方文档:http://postgis.net/docs/manual-dev/Topology.html#Topology_Processing WIKI:http://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki/UsersWikiPostgisTopology 示例:http://blog.mathieu-leplatre.info/use-postgis-topologies-to-clean-up-road-networks.html
1.postgresql postgres-# ; ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/pgsql-10/share/extension/postgis_topology.control": No such file or directory postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology ; ERROR: could not open extension control file "/usr/pgsql-10/share/extension/postgis_topolo...
openGauss=# create extension postgis; CREATE EXTENSION openGauss=# create extension postgis_raster; CREATE EXTENSION openGauss=# set behavior_compat_options='bind_procedure_searchpath'; SET openGauss=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology; ERROR: domain is not yet supported 【预期输出】: CREATE EXTENSION...
1.postgresql postgres-# ; ERROR: could not open extension control file"/usr/pgsql-10/share/extension/postgis_topology.control": No such file or directory postgres=# CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology ; ERROR: could not open extension control file"/usr/pgsql-10/share/extension/postgis_topology....
** postgis编译开启--with-raster --with-topology 报错**: Uncomment only one, leave it on its own line: bug 5.0.0 What happened: 在编译postgris过程中./configure 设置了--with-raster --with-topology选项,这一步通过了 ./configure --prefix=$GAUSSHOME/install/postgis2.4.2 --with-pgconfig=...
>>>https://postgis.net/docs/clearTopoGeom.html>>> SELECT RemoveUnusedPrimitives('master_topology'); >>> It returned saying that no edges were removed. >>> >>> It should tell you more if you: >>> >>> set client_min_messages to debug; >>...
"Quick" way to build a TopoGeometry layer in PostGIS: CREATE EXTENSION postgis_topology CASCADE; CREATE TABLE x(id serial primary key); SELECT topology.CreateTopology('test', '4326'); SELECT AddTopoGeometryColumn('test','public','x','tg','POLYGON'); ...
UseLegacyPostgis 应该可以的,要用对应的类型映射 UseNetTopologySuite 是条件编译判断问题 2881099 added a commit that referenced this issue Dec 4, 2024 - 修复 Npgsql postgis 条件编译问题;#1940 48ea72e Author arcchen commented Dec 4, 2024 感谢 2881099 added a commit that referenced this is...
显然,NpqSql 7中连接/类型注册的工作方式发生了变化。因此,如果您运行7或8,可能会发生这种情况。建议...