PostGIS and PostgreSQL can be intimidating, and there are a lot of things to learn!There are hundreds of functions available, and it is hard to get past simple things like ST_Intersects and ST_DWithin to the next level.But once you get to the next level, youʼll find that PostGIS...
ST_BdMPolyFromText—根据给定的闭合线串的任意集合构造一个MultiPolygon,作为 MultiLineString WKT表示形式。 ST_BdMPolyFromText— Construct a MultiPolygon given an arbitrary collection of closed linestrings as a MultiLineString text representation Well-Known text representation. ST_GeogFromText—从WKT或扩展...
11.1.1 Creating a multipolygon from many multipolygon records Jn hznm sseca, vgp mdz yxsx z zurj herew rsodecr tsx ebronk xpr qd isdisrtct, noboordhihegs, hogubosr, vt ncpsicert cubesae xpd notef ngox rx okjw kt ptoerr vn sdsk edihonohrgbo yaaetpselr. Smieostem, ewvroeh, ...
ST_MLineFromText —Returna specified ST_MultiLineString valuefromWKT representation. ST_MPointFromText — Makes a GeometryfromWKTwiththe given SRID. If SRIDisnotgiven, it defaultsto0. ST_MPolyFromText — Makes a MultiPolygon GeometryfromWKTwiththe given SRID. If SRIDisnotgiven, it defaultsto...
select '161', ST_AsText(ST_CollectionExtract('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(LINESTRING(0 0, 1 1), GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(1 1))),LINESTRING(2 2, 3 3))',2)); select '162', ST_MakeLine(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(-11.1111111 40)'),ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(-11.1111111 70,70 ...