-- Create table with spatial column CREATE TABLE mytable ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, geom GEOMETRY(Point, 26910), name VARCHAR(128) ); -- Add a spatial index CREATE INDEX mytable_gix ON mytable USING GIST (geom); -- Add a point INSERT INTO mytable (geom) VALUES ( ST_GeomFromText('...
2.1 数据导入 通过postgis自带shape and dbf Loader Exporter导入调整过投影(EPSG:4326)的路网shp, 勾选第3,5,7项(Create spatial index/load data using COPY/Generate simple geometries),填写SRID4326。 2.2 生成拓扑 --添加起点idALTERTABLEroadADDCOLUMNsourceinteger;--添加终点idALTERTABLEroadADDCOLUMNtargetin...
--Create tablewithspatial columnCREATETABLEmytable(idSERIALPRIMARYKEY,geomGEOMETRY(Point,26910),nameVARCHAR(128));--Add a spatial indexCREATEINDEXmytable_gixONmytableUSINGGIST(geom);--Add a pointINSERTINTOmytable(geom)VALUES(ST_GeomFromText('POINT(0 0)',26910));--Queryfornearby pointsSELECTid...
For spatial objects! --Create table with spatial columnCREATETABLEmytable ( id SERIALPRIMARYKEY, geom GEOMETRY(Point,26910), nameVARCHAR(128) );--Add a spatial indexCREATEINDEXmytable_gixONmytable USING GIST (geom);--Add a pointINSERTINTOmytable (geom)VALUES( ST_GeomFromText('POINT(0 0)...
PostGIS EWKB/EWKT add 3dm,3dz,4d coordinates support and embedded SRID information. Examples of the text representations (EWKT) of the extended spatial objects of the features are as follows. The * ones are new in this version of PostGIS: POINT(0 0 0) -- XYZ SRID=32632;POINT(0 ...
实际上,PostGIS 在空间上启用了 PostgreSQL 服务器,使其可以用作地理信息系统 (GIS) 的后端空间数据库,就像 ESRI 的 SDE 或 Oracle 的 Spatial 扩展一样。 PostGIS 遵循 OpenGIS“SQL 的简单特征规范”,并已被认证为符合“类型和函数”配置文件。
index: a value of the INTEGER data type, which specifies an index. srid: a value of the INTEGER data type, which specifies an SRID. For more information about spatial functions, see PostGIS official documentation. Geometry constructors Function Syntax Return value type Description Required en...
and provides many spatial functions for accessing and analyzing geographic data. Directory structure:: ./ Build scripts and install directions ./doc PostGIS Documentation ./extensions Support for the PostgreSQL 9.1+ Extensions framework ./extras Various pieces that didn't belong to mainstream (package...
Spatial Relationships函数 函数 函数语法 返回类型 说明 支持的引擎 ST_Contains ST_Contains(geom1, geom2) BOOLEAN 如果第一个输入几何体包含第二个输入几何体,则 ST_Contains 返回 true。如果 B 中的每个点均为 A 中的一个点,并且其内部有非空相交区域,则几何体 A 包含几何体 B。ST_Contains(A, B) 与...
1. spatial_ref_sys表 在基于PostGIS模板创建的数据库的public模式下,有一个spatial_ref_sys表,它存放的是OGC规范的空间参考。我们取我们最熟悉的4326参考看一下: 它的srid存放的就是空间参考的Well-Known ID,对这个空间参考的定义主要包括两个字段,srtext存放的是以字符串描述的空间参考,proj4text存放的则是以...