1.0 Ok to: 554 5.7.1 : Recipient address rejected: Access denied The following SMTP error was encountered: 554 5.7.1 : Recipient address rejected: Access denied data: 554 5.5.1 Error: no valid recipients The following SMTP error was encountered: 554 5.5.1 Error: no valid recipients 221 2...
to send AUTH LOGIN command. Error:..Error: authentication not enabledfrom:2502.1.0Okto:5545.7.1: Recipient address rejected: Access deniedThefollowing SMTP error was encountered:5545.7.1: Recipient address rejected: Access denieddata:5545.5.1Error: no valid recipientsThefollowing SMTP error was encou...
Sep 10 16:49:49 centos58 postfix/smtpd[7440]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 550 5.1.1 <test1@sun.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table; from=<aa@bb.com> to=<test1@sun.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<da> 日志分析: 1,smtpd_sasl_auth_enabl...
Sep 10 16:49:49 centos58 postfix/smtpd[7440]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[]: 550 5.1.1 <test1@sun.com>: Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table; from=<aa@bb.com> to=<test1@sun.com> proto=ESMTP helo=<da> 日志分析: 1,smtpd_sasl_auth_enabl...
'Recipient address rejected':'Recipient address rejected', 'said\: 550 [Mm]ailbox':'Mailbox not found', 'said\: 550 Domain frequency limited':'Domainfrequenc limited', 'said\: 55[3-4]':'junk mail', '[uU]ser not exist':'user not exist', ...
6.2)Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table 出错原因:1)内容被拒绝,可能是收件人对所接收的邮件进行了设置,内容中含有特定词汇等会被拒绝 2)收件人地址被拒绝 解决方法:核实对方是否对内容及账户进行了设置之后重新发送 7.Clienthostrejected: Access denied; from=<cici@ybxchina.com> ...
结论:可以看到邮件拒绝了:Recipient address rejected: Access denied (6)测试客户端访问表限制 客户端访问表中设置的我的电脑10.188.1.172并不被限制; 因为对服务器来说,对方邮件服务器才是客户端IP(日志中可以看到); 因此在客户端访问表中添加eplantstore.com邮件服务器的IP。 1 2 3 [root@mail ~]# vi /...
recipient_bcc_maps= hash:/etc/postfix/bcc_map smtpd_tls_security_level=may content_filter= scan: inet:$smtpd_milters milter_default_action=accept ###添加邮件队列处理时间设置 queue...
550 5.1.1 : Recipient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table;这是使用本地收件人...
postfix 550 5.1.1 : RecIPient address rejected: User unknown in local recipient table 解决方法: vi /etc/postfix/main.cf 设置 local_recipient_maps = 发布于 2019-09-15 17:09 内容所属专栏 运维之路 订阅专栏 电子邮件 赞同添加评论 分享喜欢收藏申请转载 ...