The posterior tibial nerve is a mixed sensory-motor nerve containing fibers originating from spinal roots L4 through S3, comprising the outflow of the sacral nerves, which modulate the somatic and autonomic nervous supply to the pelvic floor, innervating directly the bladder and urinary sphincter. ...
long tho·rac·ic nerve [TA] arises from the fifth, sixth, and seventh cervical nerves (roots of brachial plexus), descends the neck behind the brachial plexus, and is distributed to the serratus anterior muscle; it is somewhat unusual in that it courses on the superficial aspect of the mu...
Noun1.dorsal root- one of the two roots of a spinal nerve that passes dorsally to the spinal cord and that consists of sensory fibers dorsal horn afferent,afferent nerve,sensory nerve- a nerve that passes impulses from receptors toward or to the central nervous system ...
Cortical or spinal short latency somatosensory evoked responses of the posterior tibial nerve (PTN) or DNP measure the sensory component of nerve roots, spinal cord and cerebral lesions (Haldeman et al. 1982). To our knowledge, studies of long latency components and their spatial distribution ...
Tibial nerve stimulation (TNS) is one of the neuromodulation methods used to treat an overactive bladder (OAB). However, the treatment mechanism is not accurately understood owing to significant differences in the results obtained from animal and clinica
Tibial nerve stimulation (TNS) is one of the neuromodulation methods used to treat an overactive bladder (OAB). However, the treatment mechanism is not accurately understood owing to significant differences in the results obtained from animal and clinical studies. Thus, this study was aimed to con...
anterior tibial D. peroneal The ulnar nerve is a plexus' branch from the a) Medial cord b) Lateral cord c) Posterior cord d) Roots The bundle of dense regular connective tissue that attaches a muscle to a bone is: A. ligament. B. endomysium...
Which of the following transmit information from the spinal cord to the extremities of the body? (a) Ventral roots (b) Dorsal roots (c) Central canal. What is the difference between the Anterior Tibial Nerve and Tibial Nerve? Pick from these terms to ...
英文: Method Six patients of syringomylia associated with Chiari malformation were treated by decompression of foramen occipital magnum and syringo subarachnoid shunt via cut of posterior roots of spinal cord.中文: 方法 对 例脊髓空洞症合并Chiari畸形的病人 ,采用枕大孔减压 ,脊髓背根处切开 ,空洞蛛...
republic of axial load induces high distraction forces on the posterior meniscal roots abstract presentation 5 minutes elmar herbst, md, phd, germany sophia ellermann, ms., germany andre frank, msc, germany jens wermers, md, germany christoph domnick, md, germany michael j. raschke, md, prof....