A high proportion of the ganglion cells are labeled for AChE (Partanen et al., 1982; Taylor and Smith, 1971) and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT; Fischer et al., 1996), the enzyme responsible for ACh synthesis, whereas only some of them contain detectable VIP (Dey et al., 1981; Fisher ...
Probes, labeled with Digoxigenin, were hybridized for 5-7 days. Colorimetric in situs were carried out using BCIP/NBT. For two-color fluorescent in situ hybridization sp5 was labeled with Digoxigenin and detected with Digoxigenin-TSA while wnt8 and nkx2.2 were labeled with fluorescein and detected...
2.4.6. Peribulbar Route Peribulbar administration enables drug injection into the muscular extraconal compartment of the eye, also called peribulbar space, which is externally localized to the rectus muscles. Advantages and Limitations It is frequently preferred for its ocular complications' low rate,...