Which of the following options is correct? The posterior portion of the soft palate is known as a. pharynx. b. uvula. c. larynx. d. epiglottis. Soft Palate The soft palate is the muscular portion of the roof of ...
Here, we reported a case of successful management in a patient with unexpected hidden vocal cords due to epiglottis adhesion to the posterior wall of the laryngeal cavity. Case: A 60-year-old female with no underlying disease was scheduled for general anesthesia to undergo a left...
1. Circle the structures that are composed of cartilage: hyoid, epiglottis, thyroid cartilage, cricoid, arytenoids, and trachea. The most inferior, cartilage of the larynx is the [{Blank}] and serves as the landmark for tracheotomies. 2. The...
Intrinsic laryngeal muscles, controlled by the brain stem neuronal mechanism, play an important role in the regulation of breathing.190–192 In addition, the larynx participates in phonation, deglutition, and airway protection.191 The posterior cricoarytenoid (PCA) muscle is the main vocal cord ab...
The larynx receives innervation from the vagus nerve through the superior and recurrent laryngeal nerves (Figures 27.3 and 27.4; Ellis, 2006). The superior laryngeal nerve is a structure of the fourth branchial arch (Patestas & Gartner, 2006) and thus, innervates the pharyngeal and laryngeal ...