PosterMyWall - Poster Design你可能也会喜欢 MyWall : Contact Poster 图形与设计 Poster Maker: & Flyer Maker 图形与设计 海报设计 图形与设计 Poster Maker, Flyer design 图形与设计 AI background generator 图形与设计 Idealize : AI Art Generator ... PosterMyWall是一款可以帮助用户轻松有效地创建在线海报的工具。虽然,对于免费帐户来说,享受的权限会少一点。但PosterMyWall成千上万的海报模板、图片资源依然会令你满意。免费账户完成后下载的图像质量会比付费版的略低。除此之外,PosterMyWall不失为一款值得一试的好工具。 04 ...
wallposter (ˈwɔːlˌpəʊstə) n (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) (in China) a bulletin or political message painted in large characters on walls Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003...
支持在线设计,通过浏览器直接编辑作品。 2.借助〖PosterMy Wall〗 PosterMy Wall凭借其丰富的模板库和直观的操作界面,在众多设计工具中脱颖而出。 无论大家有哪种需求,都可以在这里找到合适的模板,并通过简单的拖拽操作进行个性化定制。 ✔«制胜关键» 模板分类清晰,快速查找所需模板。 直观操作界面,轻松完成...
The meaning of POSTER is a usually large printed sheet that often contains pictures and is posted in a public place (as to promote something). How to use poster in a sentence.
Learn with PosterMyWall Design Classes Unlock new design skills with quick tips and easy-to-follow demos of PosterMyWall features. Marketing Classes Put your brand in the spotlight with valuable tips and best practices from top marketers.
postermywall線上製作海報、封面照、傳單 前往postermywall網站,註冊帳號後,點一下「Create a Design」開始新的設計。(不熟悉英文介面,可以在右上角找到選單,切換語言「中文」) 設定版面尺寸:A4、名片、Facebook封面照、廣告、橫幅、海報、Instagram限時動態、正方形、專題封面設計…。
Connect the app PosterMyWall to your digital signage with this ScreenCloud integration. Find out more and get the content up on your screens!
wall poster A term for a large glossy wall hanging in an office or examination, which generally provides information relevant to the tasks taking place in that room or department, and is often disease or procedure specific. Wall posters often contain checklists, algorithms, schematics, definitions...