A credit applied to your credit card statement is a transaction that is either owed to you or applied to the balance on your card. When you purchase something with your credit card, a debit is placed on your account, meaning that you will owe the credit card company for the purchase you...
Although more commonly known in the health insurance industry, coinsurance also exists in property insurance. The coinsurance clause in property insurance serves to penalize the insured if they fail to insure the property according to the declared coinsurance percentage. The purpose of property insurance...
Enhancing Civilian Protection in Peace Operations: Insights from Africa UN's official guidelines offer little clarification as to the meaning of protection. including thoserelating to international humanitarian, human rights, refugee, and criminal law.31 Although ROE)that set the parameters for legitimate...
There are a ton of positives to delve into regarding Barbie but one slight miss is proximity to silly comedy and goofiness. This is mostly offset by the meaning of the film but my fear is some audiences may be overwhelmed by gag jokes and lose the overall point of the story. Let’s t...
The wonderful Chazz Palminteri is wasted in the role of Angelo Bruno, head of a Philadelphia crime family and friend of the Krays. There is little meaning or interest in his role. A mediocre story, but with leading characters with depth, makes Legend (2015) an interesting film that flies ...