Start time: immediately. The positions are available now.Send CV and three references (with ...
Two postdoctoral research associate positions in the University of Illinois at Chicago (USA) are ...
The initial appointment is for 2+1years, starting from the fall of 2025, and a further 3-year appointment is also possible on mutual agreement. The TDLI offers a competitive salary (comparable to same-level positions in USA). Exceptional candidates will be considered for the TDLI Post-doctora... - find postdoctoral positions, research associates, post-doctoral fellowships and Ph.D. jobs for candidates with doctoral degrees. - find postdoctoral positions and fellowships, research associates, post-docs and other Ph.D. jobs that require a doctoral degree. - find postdoctoral positions, research associates, post-doctoral fellowships and Ph.D. jobs for candidates with doctoral degrees. - find postdoctoral positions, research associates, post-doctoral fellowships and Ph.D. jobs for candidates with doctoral degrees.
International Postdoctoral Positions in Platform Studies, Denmark Are you ready to take the next big step in your academic journey? International Postdoctoral Positions in Platform Studies program provides funding and support for ambitious scholars eager to make a difference in their fields. Open to ...
The TDLI offers a competitive salary with heavily subsidized housing options, comparable to equivalent positions in the USA.Research AreasThe PandaX experiment is divided into eight subsystems, each focusing on a critical aspect of the experiment to ensure optimal performance and reliable data analysis...
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