“postdoctoral fellowship”,即博士后研究员职位或博士后奖学金,是专为已获得博士学位的学者设计的一种高级研究职位,旨
This placement needs to take place at the end of their fellowship. MSCA博后项目所提供的支持 如果你的项目成功了,欧盟会把钱转给你所申请的单位,这个钱主要是给你付工资,还包括买设备的钱、差旅费、办活动的钱、参加培训的钱、secondment的钱和一些补助。敲黑板:如果你结婚了,那你每个月还会得到一笔额外的...
In collaboration with the Salata Institute for Climate and Sustainability, The Harvard Global Health Institute is now offering a Burke Climate and Health Fellowship in the USA for the academic year 2023-2024. The fellowship aims to support domestic and international students pursuing fellowship programs...
岗位:Herman Goldstine Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship About the position The Mathematical Sciences Department at IBM Research invites applications for the 2025-26 Herman Goldstine Memorial Postdoctoral Fellowship. This prestigious fellowship offers an opportunity for outstanding researchers to engage in advanced...
Fellowship from Foundations 1. James S. McDonnell Postdoctoral Fellowship 这个是complex system的fellowship,deadline在每年的6月,但是每年的申请要求都有点不同,有几年只要求申请者描写以前做过的研究,但是去年就要求申请者写proposed work。 2. Schmidt Science Fellows 这个的申请比较麻烦……是需要先过自己学校...
Blaustein Fellowship - An annual stipend of USD 26,000 paid in Israeli currency. The Distinguished Blaustein Fellow receives an annual stipend of approximately USD 29,000. A roundtrip air ticket and complimentary lodging. Note: All applicants will automatically be considered for the Distinguished ...
initiative prize postdoctoral fellowship initiative Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship通常是指“倡议奖博士后奖学金”,是一种金额较高、竞争较为激烈的非服务性财政资助。它通常用于资助博士后的教育和研究费用,如学费、实验费、材料费等。 要申请该奖学金,申请人需要具备优秀的学术背景和研究成果,并且需要提供详细的研究...
“博士后” 常见的英文表达是 “postdoctoral” 或“postdoctoral fellow/researcher”。而“postdoctor” 这种表达相对不常见且不太规范。 “postdoctoral” 作为形容词,用于描述与博士后阶段相关的事物,例如 “postdoctoral research”(博士后研究)、“postdoctoral fellowship”(博士后奖学金)。这个词强调的是在获得博士学位...
网络释义 1. 生物系博士后 2001.11-2002.11: 香港中文大学生物系博士后(Postdoctoral Fellowship); 112室2003.7-至今: 南京林业大学化工学院生物工程系 … daoshi.kaoyantj.com|基于7个网页 2. 会博士后科研奖励基金 ...项,国家 973 重大科研项目子课题一项,美国医学会博士后科研奖励基金(Postdoctoral Fellowship)一项、...
to their fields. If you’re a researcher looking to broaden your expertise and work internationally, this could be a great opportunity for you. The MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship for 2025 is now accepting applications, so don’t miss your chance to apply and take your research to the next ...