Postdoc Position(s) I am recruiting apostdoc1to work with me on “practical advanced post-quantum cryptography from lattices”, the title of my ERC selected,UKRI Frontier Researchfunded project: Standardisation efforts for post-quantum public-key encryption and signatures are close to completion. A...
possibility renewal for one for two additional years depending on the performance. The position will...
“Unfortunately, we decided to offer the job to someone else,” the voice said. Again I felt discouraged. But the conversation wasn’t over. The representative went on to tell me I hadn’t clearly expressed my motivation for applying for the position and why I wanted to work for the ...
Postdoctoral Research Associate (3 year fixed-term position)STRETCH project: Socio-Technical Resilience...
Methods of detecting transcription factor binding site clustering are based on position weight matrices of selected transcription factors. These thus depend on the reliability of databases of transcription factor binding, which tend to rely on binding data from in vitro (ex. gel shift assays, protein...
and who is willing to back you up. My PhD research adviser was patient and helpful; talking with him helped clear things in my mind that had been muddied by the turmoil. As a reference for my new position, he was a strong advocate for me. I will never be able to repay that debt....
When she and her physicist husband decided to move to the University of Nebraska, Lincoln--he had accepted a tenure track position Adenwalla turned down postdoc opportunities. Instead she arranged a visiting faculty position, followed by a post as a research assistant professor. "I think that ...