Postcodes Numbers:14,179 London NW District List There are 13 postcode districts in London NW, each district has its own delivery area. NW1 NW10 NW11 NW1W NW2 NW26 NW3 NW4 NW5 NW6 NW7 NW8 NW9 London NW Postcode List United Kingdom Postcode...
Postcode Area:London EC Postcode Area Code:EC Postcode Districts:30 Postcode Sectors:140 Postcodes Numbers:3,611 London EC Postcode List London EC area has 3611 postcodes, and the postcode in this area all start with EC. United Kingdom Postcode...
49 Featherstone Street--路名 LONDON--城市 EC1Y 8SY--邮编 UNITED KINGDOM--国家名
U.S.A. 英国地址例子:119 Northstand Apartments,Highbury Stadium Square,LONDON,United Kingdom.邮域代码 英国的邮域代码一般指代一个地区,所以知道邮域代码就可以确定该邮编的地址是在英国哪个城市。邮域代码分为两种: 1. 在伦敦市内,邮域代码为伦敦内的地区方向的缩写。比如邮编EC1A 1HQ就是在伦敦的中心...
The meaning of POSTCODE is a code (as of numbers and letters) used similarly to the zip code especially in the United Kingdom and Australia.
The United Kingdom Country Package requires Maptitude 2024 or later and it is available to existing Maptitude users for US$595.“We have found Maptitude to be a really useful piece of software. It allows us to quickly and easily represent various data geographically, and the ease of ...
SE(South East)London SE伦敦东南 SW(South West)London SW伦敦西南 W(West)London W伦敦西 WC(West Central)London WC伦敦市中心西 2. 除伦敦市外的其他城市,邮域代码为各个城市名称的缩写。 邮域代码邮域名称(英文)邮域名称(中文) ABAberdeen鸭巴甸 ...
London, United Kingdom Address / postcode is wrong. Please correct to have right information and location. over a year ago Answer 1 answer Roving019... 1 Vote Hi Ana, Thanks for your feedback. We have contacted trip advisor to update our post code and location. Looking forward...
London,Inner London - East,Haringey and Islington,"5300009648,5300009649,5300009650,5300009651,5300009652,5300009653,5300009654,5300009655,5300009656,5300009657,5300009658,5300009659,5300009660,5300009661,5300009662,5300009663,5300009664,5300009665,5300009666,5300009667,5300009668,5300009669,5300009670,5300009671,5300009672,...
It does not look like a “proper” one as it does not say “Greater London Authority” or “English Heritage”. Burt nonetheless it does mark an interesting connection. John Betjeman (1906 -1984) was a poet, writer, and broadcaster. He was Poet Laureate of the United Kingdom from 1972 ...