Postcode Area:Cambridge CB7 4PQ Administrative Division The postcode CB7 4PQ is located in England. Country:England County:Cambridgeshire District:East Cambridgeshire Region:East of England Ward:Ely East CB7 4PQ Map The postcode CB7 4PQ is located at 52.401199, 0.266824. You can find the appro...
Postcode Area:Cambridge CB9 9AX Administrative Division The postcode CB9 9AX is located in England. Country:England County:Suffolk District:West Suffolk Region:East of England Ward:Haverhill South CB9 9AX Map The postcode CB9 9AX is located at 52.084404, 0.421687. You can find the approximate...
rather than re-erect it the Council gave the plinth and bust to the Bristowe family who placed it in in their country estate, Brookhampton Hall, near Cambridge. And there it remained until April 2012. After a campaign by the Herne Hill Society and the Friends of Brockwell Park and in ...
Cambridge (with 10 postcode districts), Cardiff (with 12 postcode districts), Derby (with 11 postcode districts), Doncaster (with 13 postcode districts), Edinburgh (with 19 postcode districts), Glasgow (with 51 postcode districts), Hull (with 12 postcode districts), Ipswich (with 10...
Postcode Area:Cambridge CB3 9HU Administrative Division The postcode CB3 9HU is located in England. Country:England County:Cambridgeshire District:Cambridge Region:East of England Ward:Newnham CB3 9HU Map The postcode CB3 9HU is located at 52.200130, 0.111405. You can find the approximate locati...