The cerebrum, which is the largest area of the human brain, contains the central sulcus, a fold that divides two large regions, the frontal and parietal lobes. On the parietal lobe, just behind this sulcus, is the postcentral gyrus, a large ridge that runs across the top and down the ...
Google Share on Facebook post·cen·tral (pōst-sen'trăl), Referring to the cerebral convolution forming the posterior bank of the central sulcus: the postcentral gyrus. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 postcentral (pōst-sĕn′trăl) [″ + Gr.kentron, center] ...
Postcentral Gyrus Parietal Lobe Reduced cortical activity during maximal bilateral contractions of the index finger Categories and gradience in intonation: A functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging study. Regional brain activity during self-induced anger and anxiety ...
Define postcentral sulcus. postcentral sulcus synonyms, postcentral sulcus pronunciation, postcentral sulcus translation, English dictionary definition of postcentral sulcus. n. pl. sul·ci 1. A deep, narrow furrow or groove, as in an organ or tissue. 2.
The postcentral gyrus shows sustained fMRI activation dur- ing the tactile motion aftereffect. Exp. Brain Res. 216 (4), 535-544.Planetta PJ, Servos P (2012) The postcentral gyrus shows sustained fMRI activation during the tactile motion aftereffect. Exp Brain Res 216(4):535–544...
A merged image of the resected cavity and T1-weighted brain atlas of the Montreal Neurological Institute showed that a critical area for postoperative motor deficits is the origin of the long insular arteries (LIAs) and the postcentral gyrus. Detail anatomical architecture created by the Human ...
The first somatosensory cortexiSIjof primates is located in the postcentral gyrus of the parietal lobe. The orofacial structures are represented most laterally in SI. The inspection of neuronal properties there should lead to understanding of the neural basis that underlie dexterous orofacial functions,...
EPA-0799 - Postcentral gyrus in patients at first episode of schizophrenia: A longitudinal structural mri studyBrainHumansBrain-Derived Neurotrophic FactorCase-Control StudiesFollow-Up StudiesPsychotic DisordersGenotypePolymorphism, Single NucleotideAdolescent...
Dreyer 1972 The resorting of spinal afferents as antecedent to the body representation in the postcentral gyrus . Brain, Behav. and Evol. , 5 : 303 – 341 .Whitsel , B.L. , Petrucelli , L.M. , Ha , H. , Dreyer , D.A. : The resorting of spinal afferents as antecedent to the ...
Diversity in receptive field properties of vertical neuronal arrays in the crown of the postcentral gyrus of the conscious monkey. Exp Brain Res 58: 400 - 411, 1985.Iwamura Y, D'Esposito M, Sakamoto M, Hikosaka O (1985): Di- versity in receptive field properties of vertical neuronal arrays...