fully knowing the "no shipping to the US" has been a Japan Post policy for at least nine months and won't offer this rate for an undetermined period of time. The seller has readily admitted this as a fact in an email (at least to me). Given all of the above, I fail to understan...
If you would like to drop off your mailpiece at a nearby Post Office™, select the Priority Mail Express® Drop-Off Locations hyperlink to see the near locations available. 30 10) Enter Content Details (Optional) The Content Details section is only required for mailpiece's that require ...
Federal Express http://www.fedex.com ; UPS http://www.ups.com and other such parcel delivery services offer vastly increased speed, at a price. This is only worth considering for high-value items.Customs Forms: If you are sending a parcel out of a trading block (e.g. EU or NAFTA)...
My daughter informed me to expect an express delivery by 12:00 noon. I "STAYED HOME, TURNED RADIO AND T.V. OFF" so I could hear the either the front or back doorbell. Needless to say since it was a large box there was no knock or door bell, just a notice on the front door say...
They sent the parcel via Express as it had taken so long to reach them originally from Spain. The parcel arrived in Spanish customs on the 15th February and that is when the ‘fun’ (yeah right) began. Adtpostales sent me the forms to complete which I did, I have sent them every...