Category:Cape Town Latitude:-33.9167 Longitude:18.4167 Place Name:Cape Town Postcode:7937 Accuracy:4 Click here to buy South Africa Postcode Database More Links 7915 7925 7925 7925 7935 7937 7941 7941 7941 7945 7945 ‹ previous|next › ...
Central Region (includes the remaining areas of North Cape and Free State): uses the codes from 8300 to 9999 South African Address Details In South Africa, it is customary especially in rural areas, not to send physical mail, but to use mailboxes. The last two numbers of the ZIP code in...
Map of South Africa where you can specify a point and a radius to search within and return all postcodes inside the radius.South Africa Postal Code Radius Search MapLoading...OptionsStep 1 : Radius km (maximum = 320km) OR miles (maximum = 200 miles)...
Capetown Durban East London Germiston Johannesburg Kimberly Port Elizabeth Pretoria Randsburg (Postal Codes 2125 and 2194 within the delivery area for Johannesburg) Sandton City (Postal Codes 2146 and 2199)Priority Mail International (230) Price Group 9Refer...