There are more than 59,000 Taiwan Postcode in this website, including Admin Area, Admin Code, Place, Postcode, Latitude, Longitude etc. plus with online map.
Postal codes for all regions in Taiwan. Use our interactive map, address lookup, or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination.
Zone Anglais:Sanchong Dist. Code Postal3:241 Code Postal3+3:241553 Post Office:三重郵局投遞股-大宗南 Adresse Note: 3+3 means the latest postal code in Taiwan. 3+2 is the old postal code. It takes a certain period of time to replace the old and new postal codes. ...
Zone Anglais:Wenshan Dist. Code Postal3:116 Code Postal3+3:116052 Post Office:臺北木柵郵局景美投遞段-景美02區 Adresse Note: 3+3 means the latest postal code in Taiwan. 3+2 is the old postal code. It takes a certain period of time to replace the old and new postal codes. ...
Note:We setup a new English / Chinese website:China Postal Codes (中国邮政编码), including more than 1,700,000 full China postcodes data and detail address information. Links:Area Code,U.S. ZIP Code 5+4 Database,Database Sets,Biz Dir Lib, ...
The first 3 codes "Administrative Region Code" remain unchanged, The last 3 yards "delivery section code" increased from the original 2 character to 3. To improve the efficiency of mail sorting, and improve the accuracy of delivery. Therefore, everyone in Taiwan should start using the 3+3 p...
The first 3 codes "Administrative Region Code" remain unchanged, The last 3 yards "delivery section code" increased from the original 2 character to 3. To improve the efficiency of mail sorting, and improve the accuracy of delivery. Therefore, everyone in Taiwan should start using the 3+3 p...
A ZIP Code (Zone Improvement Plan) is a system of postal codes used by the United States Postal Service (USPS). It was introduced in 1963, the basic format comprised of five digits. However, an extended ZIP+4 code was introduced in 1983. It comprised of five digits of the ZIP Code ha...
Global Postal Codes Dynamics On average, 2,085 ZIP codes in the U.S. change annually. In this blog, we explore... Location Intelligence Jérôme Mesters — Nov 11, 2023 Address Autocomplete API: How to Build it Quickly for Free? To build an accurate address autocomplete API you'll ...
China country’s zip code ranges from 000000–009999 and it was originally marked for Taiwan (The Republic of China) but is not used because it not under the control of the People's Republic of China. Mail to ROC is treated as international mail, and it uses the postal codes which were...