Postal Codes: 2020 City: Sydney Domestic Airport State: New South Wales Latitude: -33.939 Longitude: 151.1862 Map: MapThere May Be Have Errors Of The Data, For Feference Only
Here you can find info on the structure of the postcodes and addresses of Australia. Our postcode search provides the postcodes, open Europacco now!
there is only one embassy. A consulate-general represents the country in large cities which are economically important, for example in Canada, the US has a consulate-general in Toronto as well as an embassy in Ottawa, and Australia, Ireland has consulate-general in Sydney as well as an embas...
North Sydney NSW 2156 Australia Also Read: ZIP Code Lookup Return Address Format It is not mandatory to mention a return address, but it is always advisable to mention it. If your mail is not delivered due to some reason, the USPS will be able to return it to you only when a return ...
1 At the mailer‘s option, a finer sortation for IPA items addressed to Australia may be used. If this option is chosen, items addressed with postal codes beginning with 0, 1, 2, 4, and 9 and uncoded mail should be sorted and prepared in direct country containers tagged to Sydney. Bo...