Cambodia Postal Code There are more than 1,560 Cambodia Postcode in this website, including Province, District, Postcode etc. plus with online map. Search Postcode Province--Select Province--Banteay Meanchey ProvineBattambang ProvineKampong cham ProvinceKampong chhnang provinceKampong Speu ProvinceKampong...
This is the Province Kampong Speu Province page list. Its detail District, Name, Postcode is as below. DistrictNamePostcode Samraong tong DistrictKahaeng cambodia050102 Samraong tong Districtkhtum Krang Commune050103 Samraong tong DistrictKrang Amoil Commune050104 ...
Postal codes for region Kong Pisei, Cambodia. Use our interactive map, address lookup, or code list to find the correct zip code for your postal mails destination.
Use our postal code lookup for every province/district/commune inside Cambodia. A complete list of postal codes in Cambodia. Use our address lookup, or code list to find the correct postal code for your postal mails destination.
World Postal CodeMy zip code Zip code map US zip codes Canada zip codes UK postcodesAll postcodes Cambodia Cambodia Post CodesRegions Banteay MeancheyBattambangKampong ChamKampong ChhnangKampong SpeuKampong ThomKampotKandalKoh KongKratieOtdar MeancheyPailinPhnom PenhPreah VihearPrey VengPursatRatanakiriSiem...