ZIP POST CODE ( is the world's well-known postal code query website, free global massive national city zip code, accurate to the country's cities, states, provinces, cities, counties and communities and rural areas of the zip code, latitu
She sent me a postcard of the Taj Mahal when she was in India.postalpostcode (ˈpəuskoud) noun (American zip code) a set of letters and numbers added to the address on a letter to make delivery easier. código postalˌpost-ˈfree adjective, adverb without charge for sending by...
Lookup UK Postal Code/Zip Code/Postcode of Address, Place & Cities in UK. UK Postcode Map will display the nearby searched postcodes.
'postal code'与'postcode'相互参照。 您可以在下面的一行或多行中找到它。'postal code' is cross-referenced with 'postcode'. It is in one or more of the lines below. WordReference English-ChineseDictionary © 2025: 主要翻译 英语中文
Maps & Postal Codes [UK] 11-08-2019 05:33 AM Hi All Need some help getting a basic list of names and addresses into a heat map of sorts based on the person's postal code? Seems quite a simple task but none of the visuals i can find seem to support this without longtitude...
postal code n Canadian a code of letters and digits used as part of a postal address to aid the sorting of mail. Also called (in Britain and certain other countries): postcode US equivalent: zip code Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollin...
post codenUK(zip code, address code)SCSimplified Chinese邮政编码yóu zhèng biān mǎ TCTraditional Chinese郵政編碼 SCSimplified Chinese邮递区号yóu zhèng biān mǎ,yóu dì qū hào What is the postcode for your home in London? Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: ...
The current postal code (postal code) range of the United Kingdom (UK) is:AB10 1 – ZE3 9. How are ZIP codes organized? ZIP Codes are numbered with thefirst digit representing a certain group ofU.S. states, the second and third digits together representing a region in that group (or...
We have already made it clear that countries around the world use a postal code system. However, it is not necessarily called a postal code everywhere around the globe. It’s similar to how in the US we call an elevator an “elevator,” and in the UK, they call it a “lift,” and...
Postal Code Lookup of Address, Place & City in countries around the World with Map (Zip code search/Postcode search)