Enugu is officially regarded as Enugu state but again, one of its interesting facts is that it belongs to a few Nigerian states that have their names as their capital cities. The other states in this
ENUGU STATE POSTAL CODES LGA Postal code Aninri 402142 Aninri 402141 Aninri 402140 Aninri 402144 Aninri 402143 Awgu 402138 Awgu 402136 Awgu 402124 Awgu 402120 Awgu 402121 Awgu 402126 Awgu 402135 Awgu 402137 Awgu 402139 Awgu 402128 Awgu 402123 Awgu 402122 Awgu 402126 Awgu 402125 Awgu...
Usually, when filling out a form or job application online, you are required to enter the zip code for your State. In some forms, you are likely to see a zip code, while in others, a postal code. When you are asked to enter a zip code or postal code, don’t get confused, as b...
Port Harcourt Postal Code / Zip Code / PostcodeEnugu Postal Code / PostCode / Zip CodeAbuja Postal Code 900001, Garki Postal head officeIbadan Postal code / Zip code / Postcode (Town area)Edo State Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode Tags: Lagos Postal Code / PostCode 【本文地址】http://w...
Abuja Postal Code 900001, Garki Postal head office Port Harcourt Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode Ibadan Postal code / Zip code / Postcode (Town area) Enugu Postal Code / PostCode / Zip Code tags: list of edo state postal code, Edo state zip code, post code...
Bauchi State Borno State Gombe State Taraba State Yobe State North West Jigawa State Kaduna State Kano State Katsina State Kebbi State Sokoto State Zamfara State South East Abia State Anambra State Ebonyi State Enugu State Imo State South South ...
Take Lagos ZIP code for example. The officialpostal code for Lagos Stateis 100001. The “100” helps the system understandthat you stay in Lagos state, while the “001” helps the system identify whichexact part of Lagosyou stay.
Before now, some of us often use 23401 as the postal code for Lagos state and maybe, 11111 for Nigeria. These are both wrong – almost. 23401 isn’t the zip or postal code for Lagos. 01 is actually the area code for Lagos. 234 is the international phone dialing code for Nigeria. ...
Edo State Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode Port Harcourt Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode Lagos Postal Code / Zip Code / PostCode Town Area Ibadan Postal code / Zip code / Postcode (Town area) Enugu Postal Code / PostCode Abuja Code ...
Lagos Postal Code / Zip Code / PostCode Town Area Port Harcourt Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode Abuja Postal Code 900001, Garki Postal head office Edo State Postal Code / Zip Code / Postcode Enugu Postal Code / PostCode / Zip Code ...