Akure North 340104 Akure North 340102 Akure South 340101 Akure South 340103 Ese Odo 352107 Ese Odo 352109 Ese Odo 352114 Ese Odo 352110 Ese Odo 352112 Ese Odo 352115 Ese Odo 352111 Ese Odo 352108 Ese Odo 352106 Idanre 340109 Idanre 340108 Idanre 340107 Ifedore 340113 Ifedore 340111 Ifedore ...
Take Lagos ZIP code for example. The officialpostal code for Lagos Stateis 100001. The “100” helps the system understandthat you stay in Lagos state, while the “001” helps the system identify whichexact part of Lagosyou stay. Whenever you are asked online to fill in your country posta...