South Carolina S.C. SC South Dakota S.D. SD Tennessee Tenn. TN Texas Tex. TX Utah Utah UT Vermont Vt. VT Virginia Va. VA Washington Wash. WA West Virginia W.Va. WV Wisconsin Wis. WI Wyoming Wyo. WY Territory/AssociateAbbreviationPostal Code American Samoa AS Guam Guam GU Marshall Isla...
Inbibliographies,lists, charts where space is at a premium, reference lists, footnotes and endnotes, and in mailing addresses, state names are usually shortened using the postal abbreviation. This applies to Chicago Manual of Style and the American psychological Association Style (APA). The two-le...
South Carolina SC South Dakota SD Tennessee TN Texas TX Utah UT Vermont VT Virgin Islands VI Virginia VA Washington WA West Virginia WV Wisconsin WI Wyoming WY Geographic Directional Abbreviation North N East E South S West W Northeast NE Southeast SE Northwest NW So...
PLZ: PLZ is an abbreviation ofPostleitzahl, used in Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein and German-speaking Switzerland. PIN: PIN is an acronym for Postal Index Number used in India. Postal index: used in Eastern European countries such as Moldova, Ukraine, Belarus etc. ...
The post office advises people to write out full state names when sending a letter. But, especially in the age of texting, people like to abbreviate. Here are the recognized abbreviations for each state name, as well as their official two-letter postal code. If you think you know them all...
California (postal abbreviation: CA) is a state located on the West Coast of the United States. ShareSort By: Popularity Alphabetically Filter by: Country/Region: Category: We have found 12 more results for CA CA Canada Regional Countries CA Chartered Accountant Business Job Titles Ca Calciu...
By the way, a state postal code is not the same as a ZIP code (ex., 70116) or state abbreviation (ex., Ariz., Conn., Fla.). There isn't much value in memorizing those, except perhaps your own.Your friends and coworkers will be impressed if you know the US state postal codes,...