游戏中的杜德哥形象年轻、帅气,改变了从前的风衣山羊胡子形象,地图的视觉效果好于原喋血游戏,低配置的朋友会很卡,游戏自带外挂数量不少,几款丧尸MOD很不错,武器的外观很棒,游戏中你可以随时使用作弊模式,还可以输入:tninv newweapons edweapons等指令,调出自己顺手的武器! 8楼2015-05-21 22:22 回复 ...
The weapons started off as normal then completely insane that I can use a cat to insert the gun and use it like a silencer to increase the damage. Taking health pipes to smoke and I can even eat food in the game too. But one thing I love about the game is the machete because not...
I'd say this expansion might even be just as long and expansive as the original Postal 2 is. Gameplay mostly remains the same, if a bit more polished and refined. There's a few new weapons and items, which can also be bought in kiosks ...
So far we are in “FPS 101” territory, but Postal 2 wouldn't be Postal 2 if it didn’t add the kind of twisted and downright sick details it’s known for. This include the arsenal of weapons that includes the usual shotgun/machinegun/pistol combo as well as more exotic additions su...
Requires 5100 if you have newer versions than 5100 you might face some crashes you need to downgrade to 5100 if the mod works have fun using these weapons :D if you want to spawn the weapons without finding them press ` and type paradiseislost or PLWeapons...
Utilize an arsenal of weapons ranging from a humble shovel to a uniquely hilarious rocket launcher.Collect a pack of attack dogs! Use cats as silencers! Piss and pour gasoline on anything and everyone! YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO!Key Features Aggressive vs. Passive: POSTAL 2 is only as violent ...
POSTAL 2 due to the weapon and hands sharing one skeletal mesh. We had to create four separate meshes for each of the weapons. If that wasn't tedious enough, there were problems with getting the code to work properly, especially after the level transitions. But with some glue and duct ...
, a machete which is good for dismembering people, a scythe which can cut people in half and a new rocket launcher.While these weapons are great and really fun to use, they could have added a few more weapons, maybe some more guns.The graphics and gameplay are the same as Postal 2....
Better Weapons and somewhat better graphics than Share The Pain, still crashes with the unreal engine error messages just like every other game based on the engine. The sound is quite average and bad in spots. Its becom... Read Full Review 0 of 2 users found the following review helpful ...
Crackola (dual-wield power-up) and Weapons Vending Machines added to P2 levels! The Flipping the Bird feature from PL is now available in P2! This can be performed with a new dedicated button ('G' by default) or by pressing Fire with Empty Hands or Alt Fire with the Petition...