Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend: Mike Riedel द्वारा निर्देशित. Rick Hunter, Mike Jaret, Marcus Davis, Steve Wik के साथ. After narrowly avoiding death, The Postal Dude awakens in a hospital bed with
Postal 2: Apocalypse Weekend(2004) M Video Game|Action, Comedy, Crime Edit pageAdd to list Track After narrowly avoiding death, The Postal Dude awakens in a hospital bed with a serious headache. He discovers that Paradise is overrun with the undead, and realises that his headache is causing...
喋血街头2周 系统标签: 启示录游戏周末停机库动画核弹头 喋血街头2周末启示录-流程攻略 Postal2ApocalypseWeekend 更多喋血街头2周末启示录-流程攻略Postal2ApocalypseWeekend相 关信息请点击这里获得 类别:游戏攻略 类目:角色扮演 游侠会员提供 星期六医院游戏开始经过动画,发现自己身在医院。自动记忆后走导 大厅,搭电...
这游戏去年8月9日心血来潮拿出光盘安装了,先安装原版玩的,通关后又安装了资料片“周末启示录(Postal 2:Apocalypse Weekend)”玩通了关。说实话这游戏一直不敢玩,据说是像“GTA”那样的开放地图游戏,这种游戏往往很费时间。到去年年底才终于下决心通关。玩这游戏查攻略的过程中发现,这游戏还出了新的资料片和MOD...
《喋血街头2:痛苦蔓延》是一款射击游戏,游戏大小为610MB。游戏介绍 Running With Scissors于近日在日本发售了它的暴力射击游戏《喋血街头2(Postal 2: Share the Pain)》,今天我们又得到了这款暴力游戏最新资料片《Apocalypse Weekend》的新画面。《喋血街头2》无疑是许多玩家都曾经听说过的游戏,它由著名的...
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POSTAL 2TM, POSTAL 2: Apocalypse WeekendTM, The POSTAL DudeTM, ChampTM, KrotchyTM,and Running With ScissorsSM are Trademarks and Service Marks of RWS, Inc.Postal Franchise 的更多作品 查看所有 R$107,99 R$59,99 R$29,99 免费开玩 更多类似产品查看所有 R$299,90 R$82,41 R$79,00 R$59,99 ...
Apocalypse Weekend begins Saturday morning, with The Postal Dude waking up in the hospital, his head bandaged from a near-fatal gunshot wound. The Dude's ultimate goal is to recover his trailer and his dog, and to this end, escapes from the hospital. Newly updated for Linux!
虽然许多国家都在抵制《喋血街头2》,但后来它上架了GOG以及Steam,购买门槛变得更低了。游戏在本体推出后发售了几个资料篇,其中比较有名的一个是 Apocalypse Weekend(周末启示录),它补全了周六和周日的部分。男主在头部中枪后并没有死,醒来发现自己在医院,但由于脑部损伤对眼前事物的认知出现了问题。游戏的目的就是...