(also ˈletterbox, ~ˈmailbox, ~pillar box) a box into which letters etc are put to be collected (and sent to their destination). buzónpostcard (ˈpəuskaːd) noun a card on which a message may be sent by post, often with a picture on one side (a picture postcard). ...
POSTAGE. The money charged by law for carrying letters, packets and documents by mail. By act of congress of March 3, 1851, Minot's Statute at Large, U. S. 587, it is enacted as follows: 2.-Sec. 1. That from and after the thirtieth day of June, eighteen hundred and fifty-one,...
1.(Philately) a printed paper label with a gummed back for attaching to mail as an official indication that the required postage has been paid 2.(Philately) a mark directly printed or embossed on an envelope, postcard, etc, serving the same function ...
bank draft covering all necessary costandpostage. censtatd.gov.hk censtatd.gov.hk 填妥的郵購表格可連同支付所需費用和郵費的支票或匯票寄回。 censtatd.gov.hk censtatd.gov.hk [...] vote thereat instruments of proxy (with or without prepaidpostage)with provision for two-way voting ...
Efficiency and cost savings are paramount for companies and individuals alike. When it comes to shipping, choosing the most economical method can regularly make a significant difference. Here, we explore why printing a shipping label is often cheaper and more advantageous than using meter tape. ...
In some cases, more cost-effective than leasing a postage meter Visit Stamps.com Endicia Print complete, postage-paid USPS®shipping labels and Pay-on-Use return labels with Endicia’s feature-rich electronic postage technologies and services. ...
Over the last twenty-five years, we pioneered the cost-per-piece solution – ONEsolution. Through this process, we are able to uncover solutions to save money on hardware, postage, and consumables throughout the Print to Mail flow. We provide forensic methods for reducing costs while increasing...
The mail cost was paid by the person receiving it, not the person sending it. The cost was very expensive, based on the number of sheets sent and how far they traveled. The system did not work when the person receiving the letter could not afford or did not want to pay for it. ...
First-Class Mail®service is an affordable and easy way to send envelopes and postcards. First-Class Mail Forever®stamps cost $0.73 (the current 1 oz price) and will never expire, even if the First-Class™postage rate goes up. ...
Print USPS labels online with us! Panda Postage makes shipping easy while giving you discounted USPS commercial rates with no monthly fees.