Weight (kg) * Please select Send a parcel How much to send a parcel? We offer cheap and convenient postage for your parcels. Our UK postage prices vary depending on your parcel weight, delivery method and the level of cover you choose. ...
Following are rates for hot countries. For more countries, please select from the above dropdown list. The countries are listed in alphabetical order. DestinationPostage Rate for AIR Parcel (CNY)SAL (CNY)SURFACE (CNY)Weight Limit (kg)
e-packet Packages are adjusted to "2 yuan/piece + 55 yuan/kg", e-packet Package Specials are adjusted to "2 yuan/piece + 100 yuan/kg", and e-packet Package Specials are adjusted to "2 yuan/piece + 40 yuan/kg", and the weight limit is increased to 5 kg. The new rates will tak...
Where these stamps are being used for pre-payment at a Post Office counter posters should consider that NVIs stamp were originally supplied for use for a particular purpose – e.g. specific inland or international mail letter rates and although techncially they are valid for use for other serv...
The problem is I cannot determine if this the sellers error or if it is a problem with eBay shipping calculations being different from the actual postage rates the U.K has for shipping to what amounts to a U.K. protectorate. OP has not come back and provided any updated information and...
On certain occasions or holidays season, there is a special discount on postage stamps. But the best way to get a discount on stamps is to buy in bulk, in this way your expense will be less and you will get stamps at cheap rates. It’s a common thing that whatever you will buy in...
... plus, with interest rates set to rise... "All is not well in Never-Never land". Just equalled their all time low of 90 pence. Maybe the geniuses in there will offer each GUANO slice holder a CASTELNAU share in exchange? Anyone dumb enough to buy brain fart GUANO dreams and...
Packages to Israel and Russian Federation can be up to 3 kg and packages to UK can be up to 5 kg. Delivery Range: (1) United States - all territories outside the home and homeland and their overseas military mailing addresses; (2) United Kingdom - the mainland and the Channel Islands...