Post-Installation Setup(安装后设置) 如果存在要在安装后执行的步骤,则将显示此页。该页将列出您在“选择选项”页中要求的步骤,如安装缺少的必备软件和将必备软件复制到服务器。当您键入1并按 Enter 键后,安装后设置随即开始。安装程序会显示安装后设置的进度。
Post-Installation Setup(安装后设置)如果存在要在安装后执行的步骤,则将显示此页。该页列出了要执行的步骤。如果单击 Setup Now(立即设置),将开始安装后设置。该安装程序将显示安装后设置进度。Previous: Installing(安装) Next: Installation Summary(安装摘要) ...
How can I run a "Remove-AppPackage" powershell-command in Windows 11 Post-Setup using NTLite? I'm doing something wrong, but I could not figure out what it is. Because manually running the powershell command works. Only running it automatically in Post-Setup unfortunately is ...
4.5. Additional Post-Setup Checklist 7. Upgrading JBoss ON Upgrading JBoss ON 7.1. Upgrading the JBoss ON Server 7.2. Migrating SNMP Settings Migrating SNMP Settings 7.2.1. Running SQL Commands to Migrate the SNMP Settings 7.2.2. Configuring SNMP Settings in the GUI ...
Discord post-setup Now that you’veintegrated Memberful with your Discord server, you might need to invite existing members to your server, search for a Discord user in the Memberful dashboard, or map roles to new Memberful plans. You might also need some help troubleshooting role assignment ...
In Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 and in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, some errors might occur while running the setup or while configuring the environment or after the setup is completed. The following table lists such errors.
To finish setting up the Execution Engine for Apache Hadoop service after installation, complete the appropriate tasks. Mandatory tasks Before users can access the Execution Engine for Apache Hadoop service, you must install the service on Apache Hadoop clusters or Spectrum Conductor clusters. The Exec...
Before you can use OpenPages, you need to complete some post-installation tasks. Do these tasks after you install the OpenPages service.
1、主板bios设置➡Advanced➡Advanced PCH Configuration➡system time and alarm ...
Hi there, I was wondering if you can help me. I am trying to add Ms teams as msix file for post setup but its simply not happening. could you help me with...