Post-pandemic era 背景知识: 后疫情时代(Post-Pandemic)是指新型冠状病毒疫情过去后的时代。肆虐的新冠肺炎疫情,不仅危及各国人民生命安全和身体健康,还严重冲击世界经济,经济全球化遭遇逆风,单边主义、保护主义抬头,公平和效率、增长和分配、技术和就业等矛盾更加突出,贫富差距仍普遍存在,今年全球极端贫困率将出现20年来...
expand common interests in cooperation, solve difficult problems in development, and build a China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership with more global influence.——2020年6月22日,习近平在会见欧洲理事会主席米歇尔和欧盟委员会
一位瑞士经济学家表示,中国有望在后疫情时代扮演推动全球复苏的"火车头"角色。 “The COVID-19 situation in China is generally manageable, with occasional small outbreaks in parts of the country, so now a lot of people are saying that we have entered thepost-pandemic era,” Wang Chen, a noted...
We can also not deny the fact that it's cost effective to reduce the number of face to face assessments. Some guidelines from different standardizations organizations were released (including intacs and IATF) trying to organize and improve the online assessment process. In this paper, we are ...
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“There are two themes where we see a lot of opportunity,” Mr. Lacey said at an AVCJ Private Equity & Venture Forum in Singapore. “First is what we call diagnosis at a distance: technologies and solutions that have the effect of making the telemedicine more effective. Second is an emerg...
How Gen Z sees the world: G20 to boost world economy in post-pandemic eraGlobal Stringer Share Error loading player: No playable sources found 02:13 The 18th G20 Summit is being held in New Delhi, the capital of India, on September 9-10, 2023. In this video, Siddharth M. Joy ...
Toastmaster: Michelle Theme : Post-Pandemic Era 在这个特殊的2020年,疫情让世界改变了很多。一些公司破产了,而新的业务不断涌现。一些商店关门了,而在线服务等新模式逐步兴起。有些人失业了,而有些人找到了新的职业机遇。疫情结束后,我们会像往常一样恢复正常生活吗?我们是否会迎来新的生活方式?疫情之后你最想...
August 3, 2022Before the COVID-19 pandemic,investments in the shared-micromobility industry soared in line with growing ridership and utilization. From 2015 to 2019, almost $7 billion was invested in this market. Funding contracted sharply in 2020, to around $800 million...
While the stay-at-home period after the outbreak of the pandemic has deepened elderly people's knowledge of the Internet, we are more concerned about the broad issues in their use of the Internet. In the scenarios of online help, as many as 50% of the elderly choose to opt out when th...