Don't spend hours transcribing notes after a brainstorm; download the free Post-it® App. Share notes with your team without delays & keep the momentum going.
Don't spend hours transcribing notes after a brainstorm; download the free Post-it® App. Share notes with your team without delays & keep the momentum going.
•使用iCloud使笔记和面板在所有Apple设备上保持同步。与团队共享之前,您可以使用iPhone隔空投送到Post-it®Notes并在Mac上编辑面板。 衣二三 衣二三是一款女性时装月租APP,主打会员制包月换衣服务,只需缴纳会员费,即可在会员期内享受数百万件时装包月换穿的...
Post-it® App features: • Connect and share ideas from anywhere with co-workers and friends, whether it be a workshop, a brainstorm or you simply want to share notes with each other. • Capture more than 200 Post-it® Notes at a time with your camera. All our popular note si...
How do I get my notes into camera roll? Can I use a photo of Post-it® Notes taken with a camera in panoramic mode? My phone was reset and the Post-it® App was deleted or I accidentally completely deleted the Post-it® App. Can I recover my past boards?
2、随时随地使用Post-it Notes,App将简单功能带到了你的iPhone、iPad和Mac上。 post-it中文版亮点: 平时生活就有通过便利贴来规划生活的习惯,这款APP则很好的将纸质实体的便利贴转化到了手机上。 我认为这款APP的成功之处是能够将自己的想法更方便是传给自己的朋友,这在会议和想法交流上非常有用。 应用信息...
Use Post-it® Notes anywhere and anytime. Post-it® App brings the simplicity of Post-it® Notes to your Mac, iPhone and iPad. Whether you use Post-it® Notes for t…
Cette app est disponible uniquement dans l’App Store pour iPhone, iPad, Mac et Apple Vision Pro. Aide-mémoire Pro: Post-it Note4+ Collez votre idée sur lebureau 奕琦 冯 4,3 • 26 notes Gratuit Inclut des achats intégrés
Use Post-it® Notes anywhere and anytime. Post-it® App brings the simplicity of Post-it® Notes to your iPhone, iPad and Mac. Whether you use Post-it® Notes for t…
随时随地使用 post-it notes。post-it app 为您的 iphone、ipad 和 mac 带来便利的 post-it 便笺。无论您使用 post-it notes 进行团队合作和协作,还是用于提醒和个人笔记,post-it 应用程序都能帮助您保持动力。 如果您在家工作或作为学生进行远程学习,请使用 post-it 应用程序与同事分享您的想法、安排您的作业...