publicstringgetaa() {stringtoken =getBaiduTxtAccessToken();stringhost ="https://***/idcard?access_token="+token; Encoding encoding=Encoding.UTF8; HttpWebRequest request=(HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(host); request.Method="post"; request.KeepAlive=true; String str="id_card_side="+"fron...
简介:Post 提交错误 远程服务器返回错误: (411) 所需的长度 这是由于在IIS7中站点被以POST方式请求时,必须要求传递参数,如果调用的API无须传递参数,需要标记下内容为0 httpWebRequest.ContentLength = 0; 即可解决411异常. /// /// 执行post请求/// /// url地址/// <returns></returns>public static str...
问对于一小部分设备,POST请求在Chrome中返回411错误EN报错代码: f={"appid":"wx0e7876190882657b","...
程序使用 HTTP 协议和服务器交互主要是进行数据的提交,通常数据的提交是通过 GET 和 POST 两种方式来完成,下面对这两种方式(.net c#)进行一下说明: 1. GET 方式。 GET 方式通过在网络地址附加参数来完成数据的提交,比如在地址 中,前面部分
问对于一小部分设备,POST请求在Chrome中返回411错误EN报错代码: f={"appid":"wx0e7876190882657b","...
查看Nginx的日志access.log,是有Nginx返回411状态;【不正常】 3 解决问题 com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFactory 类中,有一个 boolean _chunckedPost 的域成员,其默认值为 true 。这个值就是规定 Hessian 是否以分块发送的方式与服务端交换数据的参数,因此在创建 com.caucho.hessian.client.HessianProxyFac...
I am attempting to implement RESTful services in Visual Studio 2010 using the online REST templates and the Rest Starter Kit priview 2. I am not quite sure I am doing this right, but I am attempting to pass parameters in an HTTP Post that is throwing a 411 response. The attributes and...
* Connected to localhost ( port 54539 (#0) > POST / HTTP/1.1 > Host: localhost:54539 > User-Agent: curl/7.83.1 > Content-Type: application/json > Accept: application/json > * Mark bundle as not supporting multiuse < HTTP/1.1 411 Length Required < Content-Type: text/html;...
I am attempting to implement RESTful services in Visual Studio 2010 using the online REST templates and the Rest Starter Kit priview 2. I am not quite sure I am doing this right, but I am attempting to pass parameters in an HTTP Post that is throwing a 411 response. The attributes an...
#logo{display:inline-block;height:54px;width:150px}411.That’s an error.POST requests require aContent-lengthheader.That’s all we know.2023-03-08 21:43:29.600 ERROR 31380 --- [ main] c.a.c.n.registry.NacosServiceRegistry : nacos registry, gateway register failed...NacosRegistration{nac...