...果与专家建议,宣布H1N1新型流感大流行疫情进入「后大流行期(post-pandemic)」。 www.ey.gov.tw|基于3个网页 3. 疫情后期 ...情级别;或者直接跳过疫情「后高峰阶段」,宣布进入「疫情后期」(Post-Pandemic)阶段,即疫情已经下降到正常的程度。 hospital.kingnet.com.tw|基于2个网页 ...
“postpandemic”指的是新型冠状病毒疫情结束后的时期或状态,它不仅涉及时间上的过渡,更涵盖了社会生活、经济、文化等各个领域的深刻变化和转型。以下是对“postpandemic”这一概念的详细阐述: 一、定义与同义词 “postpandemic”直接翻译为“疫情后”,强调的是疫情过后社会所经历的一系列调整...
Over three years into the COVID-19 pandemic, an end might finally be in sight. How has the pandemic changed the world? What would a new post-pandemic normal look like? What does the future hold for the world economy and globalization, and what lessons have we learned? We have invited ...
Post-pandemic era 背景知识: 后疫情时代(Post-Pandemic)是指新型冠状病毒疫情过去后的时代。肆虐的新冠肺炎疫情,不仅危及各国人民生命安全和身体健康,还严重冲击世界经济,经济全球化遭遇逆风,单边主义、保护主义抬头,公平和效率、增长和分配、技术和就业等矛盾更加突出,贫富差距仍普遍存在,今年全球极端贫困率将出现20年来...
最近在很多媒体报道中看到“后疫情时代(postpandemic)”这个词,描述的是疫情稳定后我们会处在一个怎样的世界。毫无疑问,这场席卷全球的病毒灾害改变了很多:我们的卫生习惯和社会活动、经济产业、甚至到全球政治秩序。很多媒体也用了“新常态(new normal)”一词,来描述我们在“后疫情”时代下不同于以往的新生活。
Throughout the pandemic, businesses have found innovative ways to help their customers shop and open their stores, all in order to service their customers better. With many shops forced to close for several months, the pandemic helped businesses realize the value of customer service and to ...
时隔将近五年,2024年年初又一次出境游了。这次去的是西班牙和葡萄牙。 和五年以前不一样,我没有了稳定的收入,还是一个大龄未婚没存款的女性,所以一开始办签证的时候还挺担心的。后来发现申根签证跟收入这些基本没什么关系,关键就是行程的真实性。我提交的资产证明只有中国银行存款不到两万(我有两张中国银行卡,一张...
post-pandemic booms:后疫情繁荣📝今天的外刊阅读是根据过去霍乱、黑死病、西班牙流感后的各个国家经济发展情况来看,新冠疫情过后各国的经济将会如何再度蓬勃发展?---🖌 The cholera pandemic of the early 1830s hit France hard. It wiped out nearly 3% of Parisians in a month, and hospitals were overwhelme...
With the expectation of growth in the post-pandemic era, what opportunities could be unlocked? And how is this transition going to affect you? RELATED STORIES Ask China: What do you think about Latin American dance in China? Video 16:28, 13-Nov-2024 A counselor's three-week journey ...