POST-WAR EMPLOYMENT IN THE UNITED STATESFirst page of articledoi:10.1111/j.1468-0084.1944.mp6012001.xJ. STEINDLJohn Wiley & Sons, Ltd.Oxford Bulletin of Economics & Statistics
The Washington Post is one of the United States’ pre-eminent news organizations, with a long tradition of holding the powerful, and specifically, the national government to account.
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It is also of interest as indicating the present outlook in the United States on post-war problems. While stress is laid upon the importance of retaining freedom of enterprise, freedom for collective bargaining and for co-operative action, as well as of choice of occupation, the importance of...
The United States had perfected its low-intensity conflict strategy in Nicaragua. Years of the CIA's bloody proxy war in Nicaragua set the stage for the final phase: a made-in-the-USA electoral coup d 'etat. William Robinson's ... TP Anderson,WI Robinson - 《Hispanic American Historical...
The War on Consortium News December 4, 2024 From PayPal to Global News to anonymous hackers, there are forces that prefer you don’t read Consortium News. Read more → Patrick Lawrence: Notes of a Non-Voter November 13, 2024 What happened on Election Day in the U.S. is the denouemen...
Professor Zagoria earned his B.A. at Rutgers University and his M.A. and Ph.D. at Columbia University.doi:10.1080/10803920.2015.1080078Donald S. ZagoriaAmerican Foreign Policy InterestsZagoria, Donald S. "The United States and the Asia-Pacific Region in the Post-Cold War...
This statistic shows the distribution of post war and contemporary art auction sales volume worldwide in 2015, by country.
Richard B.Bilder.The Brendan Brown Lecture,the United States and the World Court in the Post-"Cold-War"Ear.Cath.U.L.Rev. 1991Richard B.Bilder.The Brendan Brown Lecture,the United States and the World Court in the Post-"Cold-War"Ear. Cath.U.L.Rev . 1991...
Britannica Quiz United States of America Quiz At its inception Harvard was under church sponsorship, although it was not formally affiliated with any religious body. During its first two centuries the college was gradually liberated, first from clerical and later from political control, until in 18...