South African statute forces had fought a hard war against Italian Fascism and German Nazism, and the same war had been fought on the ‘home-front’ in South Africa itself, as with the USA and the United Kingdom, South Africa also had its own National Socialist (Nazism) parties prior to ...
AWA Video Presentation: Patrolling the Ether in WW2 – Radio Intelligence for the War Effort Many thanks toSWLing Postcontributor, Mark (AE2EA), who writes: One of our AWA Members recently made this video on the Foreign Broadcast Monitoring Service (FBMS) and the Radio Intelligence Division (...
The Klaus Kinsky file was part of a larger set of medical records from the Karl-Bonhoeffer-Nervenklinik from the second half of the nine- teenth century, Nazi Germany and the post-war period, which was trans- ferred to the Landesarchiv in Berlin for archiving in 2008. The Landesarchiv ...
Answer to: What event in post-Civil War America has had the most important impact on American culture or political, economic, social, or religious...
In Israel, WW2 is remembered mainly with the mass extermination of over 6 million of our people in six years of war: mass shootings into dug up pits by German death-squads known as theEinsatzgruppenwhich were active in the early stages of Operation Barbarossa, “aktions” from the ghettos...
What helped the Meiji period economy to grow? What factors led to the Meiji Restoration? What was the main cause of the Sino-Japanese War? What caused the Warring States Period in Japan? What is the political and economic development of Japan in 1500-1600? During WW2, what about Americans...
close to 11 years. During this period of time the British moved the industries to their other colonies but left the Italian administration of Eritrea in place (on a personal note, my family, from my father side joined the South African army during the war and fought the Italians in 1940-...
To see this in action, consider Leo Amery in The Times History of the South African War 1899-1902 written at the time would conclude this period of the ZAR’s history, i..e. the Banyai Trek (or Adendorff Trek) from the British perspective and if you are cognisant of the ZAR as an ...
The European school of SMG design in the post-WW2 years was very much centered around combining the best elements of the Sten, MP 40, and M3. Hence you will see many designs from around the same period that are very similar to the Vigneron (SOLA, RAN, Parinco, Imperia, Gevarm, to ...
All of our period signs are beautifully hand-crafted and any machinery or power tools used for their construction as well as heating and lighting is powered by the Sun & Wind. We are not connected to the National Grid so totally dependant upon the natures Green & clean energy for creating ...