Apixaban-Induced Hemopericardium in a Post-TAVR Patient: A Case Report Highlighting Diagnostic and Management Challengesdoi:10.12659/AJCR.944173AORTIC stenosisBRAIN natriuretic factorAORTIC valve transplantationATRIAL fibrillationORAL medicationObjective: Unusual clinical course Background: Despite having ...
This analysis is limited because in-hospital strokes could not be included in the propensity-matched analyses due to lack of medication information prior to hospital discharge. However, the present findings call into question the efficacy of intensive antithrombotic therapy after TAVR, a hypothesis that...
As demonstrated by this case, management with BB therapy alone may be suboptimal. Although mavacamten is currently approved in patients with HCM, the obstruction in post-TAVR patients is functionally similar. Thus, this medication was trialed as a supplemental treatment in this patient and ...