A recent Cochrane review (Mailis-Gagnon et al, 2004) on spinal cord stimulation (SCS) concluded that although there is limited evidence in favor of SCS for failed back surgery syndrome and complex regional pain syndrome (also known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy), more research is needed to c...
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends administration of Rhogam after other obstetric complications such as amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, ectopic pregnancy, pregnancy termination, cordocentesis, fetal surgery or manipulation (including external version), ante-partum placenta...
Arrhythmias are common after cardiac surgery such as coronary artery bypass grafting surgery. Although most of these arrhythmias are transient and have a benign course, it may represent a significant source of morbidity and mortality. Postoperative arrhy
ICD-9 or ICD-10 major categories available in the United States’ Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMS’ list were initially reviewed to determine their possible relatedness to the procedure or the embolization coils [9]. The codes were first evaluated at the level of their CMS Chapter...
The studies involved adults (age >18聽years) undergoing cardiac surgery (defined by ICD-9 codes) and could be of any study design, in English, published within last 7 years, with data collection taking place in United States within last 10 years. We excluded animal studies, duplicates, ...
If no broad definition was presented, the ICD-10 inbuilt hierarchy guided the decision with extraction of the most severe type of psychiatric disorder.42 A training session was held before data extraction; both reviewers extracted data from the first 5 articles and compared and discussed. After ...
The Cardiac Surgery database (Dendrite version 1.7) was interrogated in November 2021, and all patients who underwent major cardiac surgery, including CABG, valve replacement, and repairs of all kinds (ICD-10: PCS 012, 02R, 02Q), between 1 Januar...
The large-scale studies done previously used hospital registries, linked datasets, and administrative data and extracted information using the ICD 9/10 coding systems, whereas we extracted data from patient health records. There is a possibility that these studies have underestimated the rates of SMM...
Patients with cardiogenic shock (Killip class IV), active infection, systemic inflammatory disease, known malignant disease, or surgery within the previous 3 months were excluded, while 1,062 patients were enrolled according to stringent criteria (Supplementary Fig. 1)....
Hospital codes are comprised of ICD-10 and OPCS-4 codes. OPCS-4 stands for OPCS Classification of Interventions and Procedures, version 4, a procedural classification which codes operations, procedures and interventions performed during inpatient stays, day case surgery and some outpatient treatments...