The standard tracking number format of China Post consists of 13 alphanumeric characters, which start and end with a pair of letters with numerical characters in between. However, depending on the type of service, the China Post tracking number format varies. The following are some of the best...
The delivery time depends on the type of China Post service you chose - standard postal service or China Post express service. The coronavirus pandemic caused serious delays in China Post parcel shipping, especially from March to June 2020. But since July 2020, the delivery time for China Post...
“Contact Information” means the name, email address, phone number, online user name(s), telephone number, and similar information submitted by visitors to your landing pages on the Subscription Service or uploaded by you to the Subscription Service. “Customer Data” means all information that ...
Use our Business Reply and Freepost Standard services to allow your customers and new prospects an easy way to respond to you. We’ll provide a barcode and licence number for you to print on your mail with a return address. Just pay a small fee for the product and we’ll charge you ...
PropertyValue Description For internal use only. DisplayName Time Zone Rule Version Number IsValidForForm False IsValidForRead True LogicalName timezoneruleversionnumber RequiredLevel None Type Integer MaxValue 2147483647 MinValue -1Type展開資料表 PropertyValue Description Select the post type. Display...
At the bank, thebranch managergreeted thecustomeras she approached thecounter. She needed to see thecashiertopay$400 into hersavings account. After providing heraccount number, she asked about theinterest rate. The cashier then r...
12.1 'Port-In Service' is a service which allows a customer to retain his postpaid mobile number when porting from a non-Singtel mobile service provider ('Donor') to a Singtel postpaid Mobile Line. In submitting a Port-In Service request to us, customers consent to the release of their in...
枚举值请参见 存储类型 文档,例如 MAZ_STANDARD、MAZ_STANDARD_IA、INTELLIGENT_TIERING、MAZ_INTELLIGENT_TIERING、STANDARD_IA、ARCHIVE、DEEP_ARCHIVE。默认值:STANDARD Enum 否 x-cos-traffic-limit 针对本次上传进行流量控制的限速值,必须为数字,单位默认为 bit/s。限速值设置范围为819200 - 838860800,即100KB/s...
and order updates. If you can include all of these specifics within the body of the email itself, rather than forcing the recipient to click on a tracking number or log into an account, you will significantly enhance the customer’s overall experience,” says Brian Case, director of ecommer...
When a package is registered with the carrier, it is assigned a tracking number, which complies with a standard of the Universal Postal Union. It contains 13 symbols, begins with 2 letters, followed by 9 digits and ends with 2 letters "CN". China Post tracking system is rather complicated...