Re: Post caesarean incisional hernia or scar endometrioma? Rao et al. Surgeon 2006: 1; 55-56doi:10.1016/s1479-666x(07)80077-1Sagar JKumar VRao RSurgeon (Edinburgh University Press)
Incisional hernia is a very rare complication after hemipelvectomy. Very few references are reported in the literature. A rare case of post hemipelvectomy incisional hernia is presented with a unique method of reconstruction using a combination of monofilament polypropylene mesh and a de-epithelial...
Surgical repair of the incisional hernia was followed several months later by resolution of the protein loss, and confirmed at a post operative FDG-PET scan at one year.世界胃肠病学杂志:英文版(电子版)JonathanDEvansMThamaraPRPereraCYPalJamesNeubergerDariusFMirza...
Documentation of post-operative incisional hernia on consent forms for laparotomyDocumentation of post-operative incisional hernia on consent forms for laparotomy - International Journal of Surgerydoi:10.1016/j.ijsu.2014.08.129AnsariEannaElsevier LtdInternational Journal of Surgery...
It presents as a lump on the caesarean scar and can often be painful. Endometrioma is referred to the general surgeon as an incisional hernia. We present six such patients referred to the general surgical department by either the general practitioner or the gynaecologist. Scar endometrioma is ...
It presents as a lump on the caesarean scar and can often be painful. Endometrioma is referred to the general surgeon as an incisional hernia. We present six such patients referred to the general surgical department by either the general practitioner or the gynaecologist. Scar endometrioma is ...
Systematic review and meta-analysis of incisional hernia post-reversal of ileostomydoi:10.1007/s10029-019-01961-5F De HaesN L BullenG A AntoniouN J SmartS A AntoniouHernia
Prevention of incisional hernia post emergency laparotomy: A time to change? A case series.doi:10.1007/s00068-019-01109-1Michael MooreJonathan CoulterMagda BucholcCarol-Ann WalkerMichael SugrueSpringer International Publishing AG
1. Simultaneous incisional hernia repair and abdominoplasty resulted in satisfactory long-term postoperative results, which confirms the efficiency of complex anterior abdominal wall surgery in patients following RYGB after massive weight loss. 2. Surgery in patients afflicted with disfigurements ...
Background:-Incisional hernia is frequently met by the general surgeon, itis frequently complicated (3.8-11.5%)of patients after abdominal surgery. Repair oflarge incisional hernia is a difficult surgical problem with recurrence being a common. Numerous methods of repair have been described simple ...