【Post Secondary Education】等同于【higher education】一般是指,高中毕业后所进行的包括大专、本科及研究生等等教育的总称。【Post Secondary Education】一般都是18岁及以上入学的。高等教育相比较小学教育或是中学教育更趋向于专业性教育。不是广泛意义上的知识的学习,而是职业培养和技术培养。
1 1、【Post Secondary Education】词意:高等教育例句:Post-secondary education and training are available both in Kiribati and overseas. 翻译:基里巴斯国内外都提供中学以上的教育和培训。2、【Post Secondary Education】等同于【higher education】一般是指,高中毕业后所进行的包括大专...
Post-secondary education, also called higher or tertiary education, is an optional level of schooling beyond what is required by law in most places. University learning is one of the most common examples, but community colleges, vocational schools, and trade programs also qualify. People usually c...
关于postsecondary education的英语作文 Knowledge is power, and knowledge is wealth. This is what we have been taught since childhood. Parents also put "getting their children into higher education" first. But what does higher education teach us? Is it simply knowledge? I have seen such a ...
What is the difference between secondary and post secondary education? Secondary education is high school, while post-secondary education is what students attend after high school. Colleges, universities, and trade schools are all examples of post-secondary education. What is an example of post secon...
参考资料:American_Post-secondary_Education AmericanPost-secondaryEducation overview Post-secondaryeducationintheUnitedStatesisknownascollegeoruniversityandcommonlyconsistsoffouryearsofstudyataninstitutionofhigherlearning.Thereare4,352colleges,universities,andjuniorcollegesinthecountry.In2008,36%ofenrolledstudentsgraduated...
Preparing Students with Learning Disabilities for Success in Postsecondary Education: Needs and Services Presents the findings of a study that examined the personal characteristics contributing to the postsecondary academic success of students with learning di... A Hicks-Coolick,PD Kurtz - 《Social Work...
Distributed leadership and shared governance in post-secondary education 热度: Youth and changing realities - rethinking post-basic education in sub-Saharan Africa 热度: WelcomeBack JohnA.FergusonSeniorHigh OnYourMark,GetSet, Go….. ToCollege
Distributed leadership and shared governance in post-secondary education 热度: educational equity in the access to post-secondary education a comparison of ethnic minorities in china with aboriginals in canada 热度: B Y B s D f L S yl s ...
Higher education has also attained great successes in other socialist countries. The right of the working people to a higher education is affirmed by their constitutions; and higher education is accessible to all citizens who have completed their secondary education, regardless of sex, race, nationali...